10. Motive of the fist

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Chapter 10 – Motive of the fist

Daehyun's POV

Oh god.

What's worse than having to awkwardly hold someone's head in your lap– no, scratch that. What's worse than being utterly embarrassed in front of 5 annoying people? Well in my case, nothing.

When Minha's was slowly falling towards me I couldn't think fast so just let her be in my arms since that was kind of the right thing to do. I neither knew the door was not locked nor did I expected Yongguk, Himchan, Youngjae, Jongup and Zelo to come home early.

And oh my, the reaction wasn't so good. It wasn't good. I was hoping I could just curl up myself in my bedroom rather than having to face embarrassment.

"Daehyun?" Yongguk started. "What–"




I almost laughed at the way they said the sentence. I mean, why are they finishing each other's sentence? One person is enough to ask me, geez. How much would have it been better if Yongguk was only the one asking me the question.

"I, uh she fell asleep so I–" I scratched the back of my head. "–grabbed her before she falls to the ground."

Youngjae was flapping around the room and was about to let out his inner high-pitched and disturbing noise that is louder than an elephant but thankfully Himchan stopped him from doing so.

"Shut up Youngjae, she's sleeping!" He hissed.

"So um, I guess you can carry her to her bedroom now?" Yongguk asked.

I glanced at Minha once more. "Yeah." How awkward would it be if she's suddenly awake whilst I'm carrying her? "Yeah, I'll do that."

I gently lifted her up and carried her upstairs with some irrelevant contemplations of whether I should look at her beautiful face or not because it was such a temptation to do so. To be honest she has the perfect body weight by just carrying her. Mostly girls who care about their body weights so light that I could carry them in just one hand, literally.

As much as I would like to say that girls do look good when they have a slim body I don't have the rights to control them whatsoever to maintain a perfect figure. But some asshole guys play around with girls just because they have a lean figure. And I would always want to punch each and one of them who do that.

Why am I suddenly talking about this I have no idea.

Anyways, after finally succeeding to lay her on her bed, I could hear her mumbling some words. I didn't understand what she was saying until I came closer: "Daehyun... I really..."

She kept on repeating the same line over and over again and I was sitting there waiting for her to finish the goddamn sentence that was suddenly becoming interesting to me because my name was mentioned. But it would've been a lot better if she said the whole sentence.

I walked out of her bedroom in a deep yet exhilarating sigh with my hand on my sweating forehead. Why it was sweating I don't even know. Being too close to her made my heart a little bit all over the place, I guess.

"Did you kiss her?"

An obnoxious voice startled the hell out of me. "What the–  seriously Youngjae, don't, do that!" I half-yelled in aggravation with a pissed face.

Youngjae blurted out laughing loudly. "You should've seen your face!"

"Shut it before I curse on you."

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