3. Daehyun's Jealousy

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Chapter 3 – Daehyun's Jealousy

Daehyun's POV

I was leaning on my car, waiting for her to come to the parking lot. Why the hell does it take so long for her to go here?! It's already past hometime! Tch, maybe she was lost? But the sign board was pretty clear to me though. But what if she's really lost?

Shit. Yongguk hyung's going to kill me.

I stood up, thinking where she would be if I was her. But got immediately stopped when she was already in front of me,

With two other person.

 "S-s-sorry if I took a long time coming here, but can these two go with you too? The... three of us need to practice something in Yongguk oppa's house." She said.

Yongguk? She thought that was his house? You might not know this but it's actually my house. But I haven't told her about that because of some reason. You'll see one of them in three, two, one.

"Um... Y-yongguk oppa said that he has a recording room in his house."

I was too late to tell her that. I didn't plan to tell her anyway. I'll let her know by herself, I hope. But I seriously want her to know it.

Wait... if she's going to the recording room then she's' going to see my works and recordings. Shoot! How can I possibly take all of those papers?! Plus, one of my best pieces is currently missing in that room and what if she finds it?

"Whatever. Just get in the car." I coldly said.

They were all sitting at the back, which I did not really understand why, and I was seriously like the third-wheel there. They were all in their own worlds. I did not dare to interrupt, because I don't know them very well.

But I know who the guy was.

Well who doesn't know him? He's like one of the top 5 from that group. I kind of envied him because he got so popular in no time. I wish I was like him, too.

Well, ehm, I am popular now, but not as popular as him.

Then noises from the back suddenly interrupted my thoughts which weren't very pleasant. I curiously looked at the rear mirror and saw him pinching her cheeks which made me frown. He's starting to get on my nerves. But then again, I did not care.

"You're so cute!" He said.

I quickly turned my head to the rear mirror again, looking how Minha would react. This time, I did want to see her reaction. She was blushing. Wait, I thought she liked me? Hmph maybe she was embarrassed. Yeah, embarrassed.

"Y-you're cuter!" She said, in a shy tone.

He suddenly slings his arms around her which made her look down more. She was... smiling. I have never seen her smiling and I have to admit that was the most beautiful smile I've ever seen. She never smiled at me like that.

Why did I even care?

Actually, she never smiled at me. I was getting more irritated by his actions. I suddenly stopped the brakes, making them hit the back of the front chair.

"Ouch... W-why did you do that?" She was rubbing her head.

I panicked, not knowing what to say. How great. Now I'm just embarrassing myself in front of them. It's not that I'm jealous or something, I don't even like her. She's just another ordinary girl.

"Uhm- the- my foot slipped. Sorry." I said.

We reached my house in just a minute and I immediately rushed out of the car, heading towards the recording room.

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