14. Second and last encounter: part 2

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Chapter 14 – Second and last encounter: Part 2

“Shit” was the first word that came out of my mouth silently, almost inaudibly. My eyebrows knitted together in response to my gripped hand and clenched teeth.

Maybe I was being exaggerated with my expressions but Minha was in front of me. Right in front of me. She was sitting on Minki’s bed which was beside mine. I was fidgeting around not knowing what to say or what to do without making it look ridiculous. Yes, I was that worried.

It appeared that she was staring at my left arm that was looped around with gauze bandage. Well, that tragic incident (not really) was painful, but when I saw her arm in bandage we were actually even.

“Daehyun…” Her soft and delicate voice spoke. “Should we go out?”


I dashed off in a split second towards their direction prepared to stop them, and didn’t hesitate to call out, “Hey!”, before that muscle girl’s hand reached Minha’s face.

I gripped her arm quite tight to refrain her from slapping the latter’s face and oh god how her facial expressions changed 180 degrees was terrifying for me. It was either she was too shocked of my presence or the fact that I was intensely glaring at her.

Anyways, she gave up, and muttered something after she sighed. “There’s always guys that saves you, huh.”

She naturally left, without showing any of those intense vicious expressions that I just saw a couple seconds ago. So she changes around guys.

“T-thank you, Daehyun.” Minha suddenly spoke.

I tried to hold back a smile that was going to explode out of my mouth. I was glad I could hold it back. “Are you hurt?”

“Ah, no, I’m really fine.” She smiled. How long has it been since I saw her smile?

I started walking away from her. “Okay.”

“Wait!” She retorted, and I spun around to see her again. “How many more ribbons do you need? I’ll give you mine.”

“What? But it’s yours. I–”

“Just take it!” She grabbed my hand and placed all of her ribbons on my open palm. “I’ll find it again. I want your team to win this.”

She was a savior. Oh she was just an angel. I smiled a little bit. “I only need one, and thank you.”

I ran with all my might and dived in to the river, and did a freestyle way back to the other side. Shit, that team’s catching up. Maybe I was a little bit too fast, because when I was getting up my left hand slipped the slick ground and I fell on my elbow.

“Hey! Daehyun! Are you alright?” Chanyeol shouted all the way from his point.

I groaned. “I’m fine!”

Again I ran with all my might towards Chanyeol and perfectly passed on the ribbons that were in my right hand. This was the first time I’ve ever said something like this to him: “Good luck.”

I watched him in amazement as he dashed very quickly with his arms swinging on his sides. I had a good feeling that our team will win.

“And the winner of this competition is… cabin 7!” The teacher happily exclaimed.

My cabin was the winner, and the six of us were so contented because we all tried our best and actually win this when some of us have only met once. Now it was up to us to choose a cabin that’ll join us.

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