18. Divulgence [final]

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A/N - Play the song above!

Chapter 18 - Divulgence

"We're very sorry." The two figures in front of me bowed, their heads hung low, and their hands were diligently on their lap. Their indescribable expressions left me in daze and I immediately squealed in reflex - they were my parents.

Well this was awkward.

How did it come to this, you ask? Let's just say that the family reconciliation that I said last chapter became true. I guess I should stop with this whole prediction stuff.

And the incident yesterday of how I coincidentally met Daehyun and Chanyeol together was enclosed up very briefly because Youngjae had a really good excuse to get the two of us out of there.

I owe him one.

"Please don't bow!" I waved my hands awkwardly. "It's- it's understandable, it really is. Right, Yongguk oppa?" I tried to avert the attention to him.

"What? Yeah, yeah of course. No need to be so formal, mom. And dad." He coughed.

"But we made you suffer for many years." Mrs. B- I mean, mother, quietly spoke.

But that was partly true. "It's not a big deal, really."

"We've failed as a parent... it's probably impossible to compensate what we've done. We couldn't take it anymore with this guilt. So, will you... forgive us?" Father, (which was a lot better to say than to say 'Mr. Bang') looked up to me.

The whole situation felt really off because usually it's the children that make mistakes and asks for forgiveness but in this case it was the other way round plus an addition of back stories. I felt like I was in a movie scenario where the enemy finally realizes his or her mistake and decided to make it up to the protagonist.

Well, except that it wasn't the case right here. Not a chance.

"...Yes." I managed to mutter, after I felt a slightly tingling sensation in my eyes.

Then the two of them hugged me, and it seemed like the burden that was weighing down my shoulders had suddenly vanished.

A part of my mind was frustrated at their decision, because I knew I would've done the same. That's right... it wasn't an option. If they couldn't sacrifice one of them, they knew they would lose both of their important things.

Well it doesn't really matter now, because I could finally meet my real parents, right? I was already really happy with the current situation now, but with my real parents... I think my life will be complete.

Thank you, for caring for me.

After long hours of reconciliation, much less awkward now, they had to go to work (sadly). Well maybe we could have another family time in the future, but I was actually enjoying the time.

Plus, they said a brief thing or two about how Yongguk and I were going to move to their new house, so that the four of us could be a little, you know, closer. At least for me.

And that the house I was currently staying was Daehyun's house, not Yongguk's, so that took me off guard. My whole life was a lie, once again.

Soon after it was past ten o'clock that someone barged in to my room, much to my dismay and there stood Youngjae looking so energetic.

"Guess what? You have a guest outside!" He grinned.

Now I was confused. "A guest? Why would- who is it?"

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