15. The fault in our relationship

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Chapter 15 – The fault in our relationship

A/N: Hey guys! This chapter will have a lot of flashbacks and it’s in the format of this. Every time you see italics like this it means that it’s the past.

Minha’s POV

“And I’d like one green tea.” I smiled at the employee.

A week had passed after the camping event occurred recently, where it was wrapped up quite awkwardly because of the incident of Sojin and Daehyun on the ground. Yes I did believe that it was accidental, but it became a gossip after a couple of our classmates came to check on what happened.

But that didn’t really matter now since there was bigger news here: another semester had begun. It’ll be my last semester of second year of high school! Time passed really quickly this time – I can’t believe I was just three months away from holiday.

Not that holiday was the most important thing for me right now, I was just happy with the current situation I’m in. Or at least that’s what I thought at first.

I started, “Hey, hey, Chanyeol?”

He looked up at me. “Hmm?”

“I have a really great idea!” I chimed.

Chanyeol placed the coffee back on the table. “Really? Let me hear this great idea of yours.”

“I’ve been thinking for a while, why don’t we hang out with the other EXO members? It’d be nice, wouldn’t it? Like introducing and stuff.”

For a second his posture lightly stiffened like he was stirred about it as he was about to lift his porcelain cup once more. I tried my best to not notice it, but did I just saw it right? Maybe he wasn’t ready yet, or maybe he didn’t want to show them that I’m currently his girlfriend because he doesn’t want to be teased? Unless –

“Well it’s going to be chaos if you meet them,” He laughed quietly.

In the spur of moment I sensed a familiarity in the sentence that he just spoke. I felt like something was hitting me straight at my head. I felt something stirred in my soul as I tried to regain my past memories. What was this feeling – déjà vu?

I clenched on to my stomach from bursting out in complete laughter, but I wasn’t doing very well. “How can you keep up with those guys?”

“But,” He laughed. “Good thing he didn’t jump on to the table otherwise he would’ve broken a bone.”

I exhaled. “Well that’s a relieve. Hey, maybe we should hang out with them someday.”

“Ah, it’s going to be chaos if you meet them though.” He shook his head.

“Oh, really?” I looked amused. “Alright then.”

It was that time, was it? It was on the first date of my life that happened to be with Chanyeol where we were in a restaurant. There was something else he spoke about his members… I just couldn’t bring that remembrance up. A confused thought bloomed in my head, but I decided to go with the flow.

“Oh, come on! Just for a short time.” I whined. “And maybe we could have a date afterwards. Please?”

He went back to normal after I slightly altered the subject of our conversation. I was thinking, maybe his friends were just that obnoxious.

He reservedly smiled. “I guess it can’t be helped. But are you sure?”

“Yes! Totally!” I cheered.

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