13. Second and last encounter

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Chapter 13 – Second and last encounter

Daehyun’s POV

First time have I been feeling so rejected and confused all at once although I didn’t encounter them and I wasn’t told anything ‘sorry’ from anyone. It just hit me straight at the fact that 1) she accepted him with full happiness (or that’s what I thought) and 2) Chanyeol was actually hitting her from the beginning.

My prediction was right. I knew it, I saw that coming. The flirty gestures he made at her, the way he express his tone when talking to her, and the way he manage to hold back his emotions whenever she touches him – it was quite obvious to me.

I walked back to the cabin in regret feeling empty, it’s like as if someone has sucked my entire mood so I couldn’t really tell what I was feeling at the moment.

 “Tch, best chance my ass.” I muttered while walking.

Youngjae was wrong, he totally was. But I wouldn’t blame him for this time round and moreover, it’s completely useless to do so. I was actually glad he told me to go there so that I knew what was happening rather than finding out the next morning that they’re dating.

Finally arriving at the front door of the cabin, I fully unleashed my grip from the door and slammed it back with full power – it made an echoing sound as it retaliate back towards my direction instead of closing.

And I might or might not have woken everyone up in the cabin.

“Whoa, whoa dude calm down,” Youngjae spoke. “What did anyone do?”

Suddenly feeling the anger rising up my throat becoming a lump that’s stuck now, I decided to talk slowly. Literally. “Leave me alone.”

I threw myself on the bed after taking my shoes off and the jacket that I wore. Youngjae apologized on behalf to the rest of the people inside the cabin, closed the door, and walked up to me.

“You got rejected?” He started.

I exhaled loudly. “I didn’t even talk to her.”

Youngjae crossed his arms and sat on my bed. “Hm, okay, if you didn’t talk to her then why are you so grumpy?”

“Tall pest decided to come and ruin it.” My hands curled into a fist as I refrain myself from getting angry again. “Like seriously, why is he always in my way?!”

“Why didn’t you just barge in? And tell him you need to tell something important.”

“I didn’t think of that. Plus, he was also confessing to her.”


Youngjae yelled, with an extra loudness since he’s a good singer that has the ability to sing out loud, even louder than me (which was amazing).

I drew back in response. “Quiet down, will you? You’re disturbing everyone around!”

“That wasn’t even comparable to what you just did!” He scoffed in disbelief. It shut my mouth after realizing he was right.

“I can’t believe that guy.” He crossed his arms, feeling overly annoyed.                

“I guess I don’t have any more chance, huh.” I looked at my feet covered with a pair of socks as I suddenly felt remorse and dejected. No one has ever made me feel this way, after what happened between me and Bora a long time ago.

“No, no, of course you still have a big chance, stupid.”

“Oh stop with your optimisms.” I winced once more. “And no, I won’t.”

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