9. Opening Up

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Chapter 9 – Opening up

"Seeing you walking like this hurts me!" I blurted out.

Oh no. Oh god. What on earth have I just said to him? 'Hurts me'? Are you kidding me?! I mentally cursed myself for being such an embarrassing blunt girl especially in front of Jung freakin Daehyun.

"I-I mean, uh... I hurt my leg too! So yeah it h-hurts me." I ran like a lightning to my bedroom and shut the door. I swore to myself that I won't be getting out of this room until tomorrow, because I did not want to make a fool out of myself more in front of him. No more, Minha. No more.

Well, I guess I won't be eating dinner today – which is not fine for me, although I had eaten a lot in the afternoon from that lovely date I had with Chanyeol. I bet Yongguk and the others will ask me to go downstairs and eat dinner and it's rude to refuse.

I closed my eyes and groan in frustration, thinking, why am I such an embarrassment, while punching my own bed. Today is supposed to be a good day, not an excruciating one; but no, my fate is just so unlucky.

Author's POV

When Minha swiftly ran upstairs, little did the two of them know that five figures were watching them like a hawk from the kitchen door. They were not only shocked, but utterly happy that Minha finally, finally hints it to Daehyun.

But when Minha rephrased her sentence, the five of them wish she didn't say that.

"Why did she have to say it again?" Himchan complained. "That was such a good tip-off right there!"

"Calm down Himchan, of course she was embarrassed." Yongguk shut his mouth.

"Yeah true!" Youngjae agreed. "I wouldn't even have the courage to restate that since I'll be so embarrassed."

"But what do we do now?" Zelo suddenly spoke.

"Well, I guess we'll have to leave them alone for a day? Who knows, maybe they'll open up to each other." Yongguk slyly grinned.

Himchan frowned. "And what if they don't?"

"Oh, come on stop being so pessimistic!" Youngjae retorted.

"Stop arguing with what I keep on saying!" Himchan snapped.

Yongguk stopped the both of them before they do physical actions. "Guys guys, stop! Daehyun's going to hear us, and we don't want that to happen."

"So where are we going then?" Zelo said.

Jongup clasped his hands. "How about we stay in a hotel? It'll be great!"

"Yes! We can play pool, go outdoor swimming, and drink in the club!" Yongguk had the biggest grin on his face.

The other four were astounded at the latter's response; drinking would be a problem to them, since Yongguk have this bad habit of acting like a complete 5 year-old boy when he's drunk. "Uh... yeah, except the drinking part." They said in unison.

Sun rays hit towards Minha's face in a straight line as she forgot to close the curtain last night, and she groaned in displeasure because she could no longer sleep anymore.

Sunday morning had been a pretty bad start of the day, but that didn't cut her enthusiasm to spend the day with her friends, because when she went downstairs she didn't see anyone anywhere – which was odd, as usually Himchan is seated on the dining table and Yongguk is at the kitchen preparing breakfast.

"Uh... Yongguk oppa? Zelo?" She quite yelled their names downstairs, and got nothing in reply.

Are you serious right now? Minha went back up to her room, and before she reached the front door there stood Daehyun leaning on the wall frowning at his phone screen. She jogged back to her room and shut the door close to prevent from any embarrassing moments occurring.

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