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Once, there was darkness.

And once, there was light.

With the birth of light came the guardian of light, and with the birth of dark came a creature that lurked in the shadows.

Their struggle shaped the worlds we now know.

Years and years, centuries have gone by and yet their struggles are still a central part of everyone's lives, whether or not we realize it.

Because light and dark had a child.

Oh, yes.

Torn between worlds, causing confusion and hurt...

Something had to be done.

So something was done.

Whether it would succeed or not remains to be seen...

So don't forget.

Light and dark.

Beyond time, the shadows bide their time, and the light fights.

And all those in between, it's time for them to pick a side.

Because change is coming...

Perhaps not in the way you would expect.


There, among the stars, there was a palace, gleaming golden in the moon's light.

Beautiful, truly, but full of empty, glittering promises-at least for her.

Cast out, denied everything, and yet.

Still standing here, if not strong, then hardened by everything.

She pulled her cloak tighter around her, and tried to summon enough light.

A smile crossed her scarred face, and she reappeared, exactly where she wanted to be.

"Celestina, my daughter...you shouldn't have come," the old goddess said.

"I had no choice, mother," Celestina said. "He left me no choice."

The old goddess sighed. "I know, dear. I know."

She took her daughter's hands in her own, "You can't stay here for long. The guards will sense your presence."

Celestina smiled bitterly. "Yes, they will, won't they? But until then, I need you to listen."

"Did he send you?" the old goddess asked, fear crossing her once-beautiful face.

"No," Celestina said. "I come of my own accord. You're growing weaker, mother."

"I know," the old goddess said, her heart heavy, "I know."

"It's my fault," Celestina said, "I'm truly sorry."

"No, it's his fault, dear," the old goddess said, "You did not ask to be brought into this world."

Celestina heared footsteps coming from behind her mother's door.

"Is everything alright in there, Queen Serena?" one of her personal guards asked.

"I'm fine, thank you," Serena said.

Lowering her voice she turned to her daughter again. "I can sense them out there, you know, all of those that carry a small bit of myself."

"I can, too," Celestina said, "And I worry. I can sense...something isn't right."

"Yes," Serena said, "But this is the last line of defense, yes?"

Celestina nodded sadly. "I'll do my best to protect them."

"I know you will," Serena said, "And I'm so proud of you, Celestina. However you've come into the world, no matter what is inside you, you are my daughter, and you have done so much good. Remember that."

Serena pressed a crystal into her daughter's hands. "Keep this with you. I wish I could do more, but just...be safe. I trust you."

"You trust too easily, mother," Celestina said bitterly.

"I can sense what is inside your soul," Serena said, "You have good intentions. Remember it."

Celestina's violet eyes grew wider.

"I'm-I'm sorry, mother, he's calling me back, I don't know what he will have me do-I wish...but part of my soul will always bebound to his. I'll try to fight, I'll try..."

"You are strong,my daughter," Serena said.

She wiped away a lone tear from her cheek and watched her daughter disappear. She meant everything she said.

She could feel her energy, scattered down below.

All of you are strong...

She hoped it would be enough.

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