~Part thirty: Celestina~

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She sits on the edge of the building for a few moments longer, thinking carefully. 

Twice born, once of light, once of darkness.

The gentle fingers brush across her skin, invigorating her with such power, protection.

She inhales, soaking in the rays of light.

A ritual never performed before, not yet.

But one that's wholly necessary.

Harsh darkness, trying to consume her soul entirely.

Laughter that comes after every scream, every struggle.

It's trying to rip her apart.

It almost does.

But then-no.

Light and dark.

Dark and light.

If not in balance, than existing together without overtaking the other.

Not yet.

Not yet.

Her violet eyes glow.

Not yet.

And then there is darkness, and then she is gone, leaving no trace that she was ever here at all.   

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