~Part twenty six: Hannah~

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My eyes snap open.

I'm breathing heavily. Oh, and, you know, this might be slightly important to know, but there's this...person standing over me.

But that's pretty creepy and weird, so I'll save those details for last. First, I'm lying in a completely different room than the last one I found myself in, or the one before that, since I don't really want to remember what happened with me and Stella.

The details are sort of hazy, but I...I'm pretty sure I-I don't even want to say it. But, well, it's true. I really did try to kill my...Stella.

There's a number of things that don't make sense about that.

First, despite all of the insane stuff that's happened to me, well, I...I at least care about Stella, all right? I've brought the girl up enough times that you can believe that, right?

So, despite whatever our relationship is or how its been warped since we came to...you know, I'm still not even sure where this place is, or what this place is, I would never do anything like-well, like anything I already did.

All right, look, it wasn't me, okay? I'm telling you, something happened to me! I couldn't even control my own body, or mind for that matter! What did?

Now that, I wish I knew. But, I definitely do not. Sorry.

All I know was this: in that moment, if felt like something...I don't know, something powerful snuck up on my mind and bam!

That was when I felt weak. Really, really weak. And then I was watching my own fingers choke, or try to choke, an innocent girl. I wasn't able to stop myself.

All right, time out.

Can we talk about this for a second?

How was it that I actually almost...almost killed her?

It was...it was like someone, or something, really, really wanted her dead. Because...well, that energy I felt coursing through me? That was...that was...unnaturally strong.

It had to have been, I suppose. Because, well, I'm not exactly a very strong person. Physically, I mean. I don't want you to start getting all in my face like, Hannah, and then start telling me all of the stuff I told you about my life. All of the stuff that you really didn't need to know, but that I told you anyway. You know, I didn't have to do that, so, you're welcome. I hope you feel special.

Anyway, I don't know if you're feeling the same thing I'm feeling, but I think it's time to move on to the other thing I noticed. What is that, exactly?

Well. That look on Stella's face...or, more specifically, in her eyes, right before she sent me sprawled across the floor, that look was what I noticed.

Yes, even in that maybe-possessed, foggy, weird state I was in, I could tell something was off about her. Not even off, exactly, just...different.

Not even that different. No, what I saw, or what I thought I saw, could have easily been another part of Stella. But it wasn't.

Argh, I don't...I don't know how to describe it. But all of this I noticed in the form of this...I'm not even sure, this look in her eyes that lasted a fraction of a second.

Just a fraction, but I want to say it was what made Stella be able to do whatever she did to me.

But what do I know?

Let's take a trip back to the present before I break your brains any further with mind-blowing epiphanies/insights, shall we?

No, I'm not being serious. I'm just trying to give an honest representation of my thoughts at the moment, and currently, well, they're all over the place.

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