~Part thirty-five: Hannah~

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Ugh, okay, time out. 

Who talks like that in real life? 

Or, I guess, "irl" if you wanna be all internet slang-y. 

The mystery peron's words echo around my head.

"I know I am..." 

What does that even mean? 

Oh. Right. 

Guess we're about to find out. 


I'm not loving this vibe, but whatever. 

Not much I can do righ now. 

So I just kind of watch as Mystery Person takes off their mask. 

It doesn't happen in slow motion like in a movie. 

It's just like-whee, mask on-and then *gasp* mask off... 


Okay, that was actually-

Can we back up? 

Well, uh...not there, to when something makes-

Okay, you know what? 

Can we just skip the freaky purple eyes and running forever thing and just-

Okay nothing really ever made sense, did it? 

I doubt the future will, so, hello, present. 

I hate you but I guess it's time to deal with you like a responsible person. 


I've delayed it enough. 

I don't want to spoil the big surprise but I think maybe some stuff might happen soon and you might need to know this... 

Okay okay okay okay...

Well, once you know, can you blame me for being all shocked? 

I don't want to see her face here, after everything! 

I never thought, I never wanted- 

Well, I did want it. 

I did but I couldn't have it because it was lost to me, lost long ago, you know. 

Ugh, fine...


You know my first name. 


You know my know my last name. 


Not my middle name. 

By the way, it's Elaina. 

Cause it was-is-my mom's name. 

She didn't die, I just never saw her again. 

....Until now. 


Can someone please explain how, why-

Well, honestly, if she knew about me, about...I think of the mark on my arm, what it means-

Well, if she knew about that, it might actually make  a lot of sense. 

Or none at all. 

Or myabe I never knew her. 

I don't know-

What does this mean? 

What does any of this mean? 

What is this place? 

What do I truly know? 

 Not-so-mystery-person smiles.

"Surprised to see me?" she asks. 


"Hello, daughter, dear," she says a moment later. "I never expected to see you here of all places, did you?" 

"I never thought I'd see you, ever," I say honestly. "Why-" 

"Very well," she says, "Shall I tell you?" 

How in the world should I answer that? 

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