~Part forty-one: Hannah~

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I need a way to hide, I need a way to cope...this is dangerous, this is simply not how things are meant to go, help me someone...

But no one is here and I am alone still.

It seems like it's been an eternity since I've been lying here, uncertain of my fate. 

Where is everyone I've ever loved? Not here. Not here. 

What does the future have in store? Do you know? 

No, not you-not you...

"Dad-where is he?" I burst out suddenly, thinking, remembering... "Did you hurt him?" 

"Of course not," she says suddenly. "I am your mother, dear, I wouldn't hurt-" 

"You're nothing but a liar," I say, a sudden venom underscoring my words. 

"And he betrayed you," she counters, looking at me with those mismatched eyes. 

"You did first," I snap back. "Now, what is it that you want? You want me to go back in your pretty little cage so you can mess around with what's inside of me like you did to everyone else?" 

"You might think you know me," she says, her voice low, "But listen to me, Hannah, there are sides to everything-sides you might not even think exist." 

"Fine," I whisper. "Now what do you want from me? And what do you want with Stella?" 

She looks at me, a strange glint in her eye. "I see...interesting. Very interesting. But I'm afraid you don't know what you're talking about. I don't want anything from you, except your cooperation. But what I want for you is a different story. You simply don't understand yet, but, in time you will." 

I open my mouth to say something, only to find I have no words left. I just couldn't believe this. None of it made any sense. 

"Now," she says, replacing the mask over her face, "There are some things I must take care of. I'm afraid you need to go back in that cell for at least a little longer. Then I will explain myself properly." 

I don't say a word. Just laid there in complete silence, emotionally numb. 

I barely even notice anything after that-that woman left the room. But I know I must have ended up in the cell again, because I was pulled out of my stupor when Esther says, "What happened?" 

I don't even know how she can tell something's wrong. But I sigh and say, "Nothing. Everything. It doesn't matter." 

Besides, I know we're being watched. I can't exactly tell them the truth. 

I think either Ryan or Esther says something, but I can't seem to hear. What's happening in my mind is far too loud for that. 

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