~Part thirty-nine: Sapphire~

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Dark flashes.

Blinding light.

So much so much so much...

She squeezed her eyes shut, felt herself falling.

There was a rip in the space she had come to know.

And she was caught somewhere in between.

She felt her wings caught on something, tearing...

There was a crash and she lay there for a long time.

She couldn't say how long.

She flickered in and out, and each time, her strength was fading more.

She feared she might be dying.

Well, then.

If it was her time..she would accept it.

Her eyes closed, and she took a long, final breath.

But then she continued breathing.

Confused, she reached out her senses.

There was a presence near her that hadn't been before.

She sensed much energy, tangled up inside.

Some of it was dark, and some was light.

There was a conflict between them.

The darkness threatened to overtake the rest.

But the light seemed to give her strength.

The darkness, however, the darkness she didn't trust.

She couldn't trust it.

She was torn-the light was still there, but it was under a lot of dark.

The presence-whatever it was, it came closer to her.

And she saw.


So much came at her at once.

This wasn't simply a prescence, but a person.

A human.

But with power of another world...

Intruiged, invogorated, she lowered her defenses and allowed them to come forward.

She felt a strange kinship with them, whoever they were.

Who are you?

The words were directed to her though she never heard them spoken aloud.

I am...

She lacked the words she needed to describe it further.

I simply am.

But they seemed to understand.

You shouldn't exist, another message came, simply thoughtful, but you do. I suppose we're similar in that regard.

She could see into their-his-heart, she didn't know how she understood that, but she did.

And she could see he was right.

Don't worry, the voice was gentle. I'll take care of you, if you like. I won't let the darkness come back. I promise.

She didn't have the words to say everything she needed, but she was able to convey enough emotion through two of them.

Thank you.

And she saw him smile, and she felt a warmth in her heart she didn't know how to explain.

But then, she saw how quickly his face changed.

His thoughts were racing faster and faster and all she was able to catch was: dangerous.

She didn't fully understand the word's meaning, but she could understand the emotion underlying it.

She realized that, in this state, she was too vulnerable, too weak.

That wouldn't do.

She felt herself shrinking inside herself, then shrinking some more.

And then she felt herself much smaller, but still with the most important bits of herself.

Small enough to fit inside of his hand.

You're safe, she hears.

She tries to keep her fears under control.

Because, for reasons she doesn't fully understand, she trusts him.

She trusts him and-

She feels something.

Something creeping out of the dark.

But he simply narrows his eyes, staring it down.

And he was right.

She is safe.

She curls up inside, and she feels relief.

She is no longer alone.

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