~Part thirty-three: Maria~

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The golden-haired girl stared at the smaller girl in shock.

"Hey, hey, what's wrong?" she asked. 

The smaller girl shook her head. "You-you-you're-"

"I'm what?" the golden-haired girl asked, alarmed. 

"You're dead," the smaller girl said finally. 

"Don't be ridiculous," the golden-haired girl said, "I'm right here, aren't I?" 

"Yes," the smaller girl said softly, "But this-this is more like a memory...this isn't really you, I'm afraid." 

"Then how am I talking to you?" the golden-haired girl asked. 

"I-I don't know," the smaller girl admitted. "I-I really don't know." 

"Then why are we here? How are we here?" the golden-haired girl demanded, growing afraid. 

Growing afraid...and starting to remember...

"You're right," she said faintly, "I am dead. They killed me."

"Who killed you?" the smaller girl asked, suddenly gasping. "Maria. My name's-how did I forget that?" 

"And I-" the golden-haired girl sat down, shocked. "My name-well, I think it was Beatrice, but-no, Jade. That's what you can call me." 

"Jade," Maria said, nodding, "I like that." 

"Yeah..." Jade sighed. "He-he did too." 

"Who?" Maria asked. 

"Ah..." Jade said, "I hope he's still-" 

"Alive?" Maria guessed. "I-" 

She swallowed, sensing some emtions she didn't understand.

Ones that weren't her own.

Jade seemed to be fading, fading away...

"What's happening to me?" Jade asked anxiously. "Wait, please-Maria, if this is somehow true, please...tell him, tell both of them that I love them."

"What?" Maria asked.

"You'll know," Jade said sadly, "Now thank you, thank you, for letting me speak through you."

"What do you-" Maria started.

Jade smiled sadly. "In time, maybe, you will understand. All I can do now is wish you luck."

And then Jade was gone and it was only Maria.

But she didn't know where-what-she just didn't know.

The dead and the dying, the dead and the dying-

It was a strange mantra in her mind, and yet...it was like a piece to a puzzle she didn't fully understand yet.

So she held onto it in her mind, wondering.

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