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Sunday mornings were calmer than Saturday mornings as Felix usually woke up early to do chores. It wasn't many chores, but he never puts the food that goes in the pantry away after going to the market. Yesterday was busier than the other market shopping days he had, so Michi and Ryu were very tired when they got home.

Besides that, Felix moved as quietly as he could in the kitchen as a candle lit his way. He didn't turn the lights on in the house when he woke up as it usually caused the sleeping toddlers to wake up. He placed food items here and there, making sure some of them were out of reach by the twins. He finished after a few minutes and he neatly folded the reusable bags he brought and placed them in a small closet in the hallway. He walked towards a small room a few feet away from the living room; the laundry room.

He switched the laundry over, put the dry clothes into a laundry basket, and pushed them into the hallway to be sorted later. Once he finished, he exited the room and carefully made his way up the stairs. He poked his head into the twin's room and a smile came to his lips as he walked inside.

He fixed Michi's lying position so he wasn't draped over the bed. He pulled the blanket higher up on his body and kissed his forehead. He walked over to his oldest and wiped the drool that was on his cheek. He fixed the blanket and placed the same kiss on his forehead before leaving the room to his own.


Felix naturally woke up on his own. He sat up in bed and rubbed his eyes, trying to think if he had anything to do for the day; nothing came to mind. He got out of bed and exited his room, checking the boy's rooms first. He opened the door and smiled at the two who were doing their own things; Michi attempting to read a fairy tale book and Ryu playing with the toy dragon he had.

Michi was the first to look up. "Papà, I can't read it," Michi said with a pout. Felix frowned and walked over, sitting next to his son. "What are you reading?" Felix asks as he lifts the boy into his lap, settling against the wall behind the bed's head. Michi closed the book and frustratingly pointed to the title; La volpe e l'uva. Felix chuckles and kisses the side of his head. "Do you want me to read it?" Felix asks and Michi nods quickly. "Uh-huh," Michi answered and Felix smiled, taking the book from Michi's tiny hands. "Ryu do you want to join?" Felix asks and the toddler stops.

Ryu looked at his Papà and then at the book. "Nope," He said and went back to making the dragon fly, making adorable noises as well. Felix smiles and opens the book, starting to read the fairy tale.


The evening started rolling and Felix had to call out for his two sons who were playing with the neighborhood kids.

"Michi! Ryu! Vieni a casa!"

It didn't take long for the two 3-year-olds to come waddling down the street after waving bye to their friends. The other parents were outside so Felix didn't have to worry much about them being alone. Felix opened the door wider for them as the two walked inside, taking their shoes off like they were taught to.

As Felix was closing the door, someone's foot stopped him. He slowly pulled the door back and looked to see who it was. "Ansaldo," Felix said as he forced a smile onto his lips. The male in front of him always flirted with him and attempted to get touchy-touchy with Felix; luckily his kids were never around to witness it. "Felice, how are the kids?" He asked as he leaned against the doorframe. "They're fine," Felix answered, "Is there something you need?" Ansaldo laughed as he threw his head back, Felix confused as he said nothing funny. Ansaldo started talking, sadly, after calming down, "No, no, I was just wondering if you were busy tomorrow?"

Felix knew he had nothing tomorrow, but if his gut was telling him the right thing; he needed to make up an excuse. "I am actually," Felix said, "I'll be with Mirco and Rico all day." Ansaldo's face fell which excited Felix internally. "Okay, I'll ask later." Felix gave a smile and a quick nod, following with a quick, "Okay," and a door slam.

Felix pressed his body against the door and listened for the sound of Ansaldo's boots hitting the bricked road to descend. It took a few seconds before Felix pushed off the door with a large, deep sigh. "Papà, who was at the door?" Ryu asks as he walks into the kitchen. "Just someone, guerriero," Felix said as he walked over, kneeling in front of him and kissing his head. Michi entered a few seconds later. "Was it that creepy dude?" Michi asks and Felix's senses quickly intended. "What...creepy dude?" Felix asks and Michi and Ryu look at each other. "Tall, and...and has really floofy hair, has a beard," Michi started and Ryu continued the explanation. "And he had these bright green eyes like-" Ryu made random noises that Michi nodded quickly in agreement.

Felix would've brushed it off if the description wasn't familiar. "Does he come up to you?" Felix asks quickly and they nod their heads. "He came up once," Michi said. "His voice is very...what's the word Mi?" Ryu asks as he turns to his brother. "Monotono!" Michi said and smiled brightly at the word he used, mimicking the person's voice afterward.

It seemed to only anger Felix more.

"Did you talk to him? Or were you good boys and walked away?" Felix asks as he quickly kneeled. "We good boys! We told La signora Rocco," Michi said and Felix let out a breathy laugh, hugging the two tightly. "Buon lavoro," Felix said and the two boys giggled, remembering the event that happened. "La signora Rocco said she would throw her slipper at the man if he comes back again," Ryu said and Felix smiled brightly. "Good, I hope she does," Felix said and kissed their heads. "Food will be ready in a bit, go wash your hands and then play with your toys down here, va bene?" Felix said and the two nodded, replying together, "va bene."


La volpe e l'uva- The fox and the grapes
Vieni a casa- come home
Felice- literally Felix in Italian
Mirco and Rico- Michi and Ryu(their Italian names)
Monotono- monotone
La signora Rocco- Ms. Rocco
Buon lavoro- Good job
va bene- Okay

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