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The house was cold and dark, nothing was on as everyone was "asleep"; besides two people. The two men sat out on a balcony that faced towards the city that was on the opposite side of the forest that made a wall for their house. The silence between them was heavy and both refused to speak to each other.

"That was harsh."

"Yeah, I know, sorry about that."

The male who had first spoken shook his head. "Are you alright though?" The other asked and the male who was insulted glared at him. "I don't know, what do you think?" He snapped and the other put his hands up in surrender. "Jeez, sorry, just trying to make you feel better," they said and the other didn't answer as he looked back to the city.

The other awkwardly rubbed the fabric of his pants between his fingers. He was going to say something when the sliding glass door caught their attention. They turned their heads to lock eyes with another resident of the house. "Hey, Hyunjin has something to tell us," they said and both of them nodded their heads in understanding; standing up from the couch and following the person through the house.

They arrived at a door and the male in front opened the door, showing the large room. It was their meeting room if they needed to talk about anything that has been going on around the city. The three entered and the two went to sit down while the other closed the door. "Hey, everyone," another said who was standing up. "I'm going to get right to it."

Everyone nodded their heads and the one standing up started setting up things on the table and then on the large TV screen they had. "Were you stalking someone?" Someone asked and the male looked at him. "Do you really think I would do that, Seungmin," The male asked as a pout came to his lips. Seungmin, the one who made the comment, nodded his head. "You're Hyunjin, you do weird things,"  Seungmin said and the male rolled his eyes. "Whatever."

Hyunjin cleared his throat and looked at everyone. "I was at the airport, doing my normal duty stuff when I caught someone out of the corner of my eye," Hyunjin said and stepped aside to show a security video zoomed in on three people; an adult and two kids. The group nodded their heads for Hyunjin to continue. "I watched other videos and I might have followed them around," He explained and showed pictures of the family at a small cafe in the airport. "Awe! The kids are adorable!" One said and the male to his left gave him a look. "Ji, shush," They said and Jisung, Ji, stuck his tongue out. "They were, but the parent turned around for a split second and..."

Hyunjin looked at the person in the center who hadn't said a word the entire time. "What?" They finally spoke and Hyunjin gave a nervous smile. "Don't be mad," Hyunjin said as he switched to the next video and everyone let out gasps. "Is that...Felix?" Jisung said and looked at everyone who was still trying to comprehend everything. "That's what I thought, but he went missing..right?" Hyunjin asked and looked at the blond-haired male. "That's what we all thought," They said and glanced towards Seungmin. "Did you get that feeling that the electrical energy was higher than normal?" Seungmin asked and Hyunjin shook his head. "No...that's what made it weird. Felix should still have his powers even if he's alive right?" Hyunjin asked and two of the seven nodded their heads. "He should, so it's weird that you didn't feel it," the male next to Jisung said. "Bin, what's your opinion?" The male asks but there wasn't any response.

Everyone turned their direction towards the questioned male to see he was staring soullessly at the image. "Bin," Seungmin called but yet no answer came. The other tried until Jisung spoke up, "Changbin, I get it that you miss him, but can you help us." Changbin slowly looked at Jisung and gave a deep sigh, looking back at the screen. "It looks like him, but if you didn't get that electrical charge feeling when you first saw him or when you were in the same area as him, then it's not him," Changbin said and Hyunjin frowned. "But...but what if it is him," He said, "this person had freckles and I know nobody else in Korea who had freckles," Hyunjin argued and Changbin rolled his eyes. "Last time I checked, three years ago we went on a rescue mission for him and when we didn't find him. I spent months after that looking for him and I didn't find him," Changbin argued back and looked at the items Hyunjin placed down on the table. "I'm heading to bed."

We Meet Again [prologue] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now