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You woke up in Tom's arms. You remembered the events of last night, and tried to fall back asleep, never wanting to leave your present position. Eventually, you felt Tom stir awake and start gently stroking your hair.
"Morning." He said tiredly. You turned around to give him a long, gentle kiss. You pulled away and ruffled his already messy hair.
"What time is it?" He groggily asked, rolling over to check the alarm clock. You pulled him back.
"Stay please." You pleaded. He sighed and crashed back down on the bed.
"Y/n, I've gotta get up." He said with a chuckle. You wrapped your arms around his waist and squeezed, playfully keeping him from getting up. He struggled, but you were surprisingly strong for your size. He eventually gave up and layed face down on the bed.
"You're hopeless." He muttered. You rubbed his freckles shoulders and pressed a kiss to the back of his neck.
"I think you are very cute." You whispered into his ear. He turned his head to give you a large grin and pressed a kiss to your nose.
"I know you do." He said smugly. You playfully smacked his arm and turned the lamp on.
"You can get up now if you absolutely NEED to." You told him. He rolled out of bed and pulled his green sweater over his head. He started for the door, but to your surprise, turned back and sat down on the bed.
"God dammit." He said, rubbing his temples. His demeanor had changed. You crawled over and hugged him from behind, swaying back and forth. You took his hand and rubbed it with your thumb.
"It's okay, Tom. It'll all turn out okay." You said softly. Tom nodded.
"Thanks y/n. Appreciate the support." He said, leaning back into your embrace.
"You've actually gotta get up now Tom." You said, squeezing him gently. He groaned and got up, turning back to you to give you a kiss on the forehead. You smiled up at him and went back to sleep as he went downstairs. It was an off day, and Tom had some business to attend to, while you had the day to do whatever you wanted. You felt really sad today, so you figured you'd stay in and wallow in your own sorrow. Your fun was cut short by the stench of marijuana and the creak that accompanied someone sitting down on the edge of the bed.
"Hey there y/n." Abbie said. He sounded different. Sad. Defeated.
"Abbie?" You asked, sitting up and rubbing your eyes in fatigue. Abbie looked really tired. It made your heart hurt a bit.
"Wanna go do something? I'm feelin down, and you always cheer me up." Abbie said. You were touched that you could help in any way. You immediately felt better and shot up out of bed, not noticing that were you presently wearing one of Tom's most commonly worn shirts. Abbie smirked and shook his head. You told Abbie to wait in the living room while you got dressed, and you changed into your corduroy pinafore and green turtleneck. You headed downstairs and nodded to all the other guys, who also looked miserable.
"Ready?" Abbie said when you got to the door, giving you a hearty high five.
"Ready!" You said with a large smile. You wanted to make this a fun day for Abbie. You decided that you were going seem as cheery as possible in his best interest. The two of you headed outside, got into a cab and headed to navy pier. Once you got there, you decided to go on the Ferris wheel, where Abbie started shouting at kids below and would act like he didn't when they looked up to find the shouting culprit. He thought he was pretty funny. You played some games, and you won a teddy bear that you figured you'd give to poor Rennie. You fucked around the whole place for a while, and ended up having a really good time.
"Hey, what do ya say we try an walk home." Abbie asked you. You nodded.
"Yeah, it's probably like 45 minutes anyway, sounds good." You said. You started to walk home.
"So, how are you feeling after last night?" You asked Abbie. He hesitated and sighed loudly.
"I dunno. I always knew we were going to jail, it's what needs to happen to order to make a big ol change in the system. I take comfort in the fact that people are actually paying attention now." He said softly.
"Yeah. You guys have really made a lasting impact on the movement. Everyone is super duper proud of you all." You replied. Abbie smiled at the ground.
"Yeah, well. That means a lot." He said, patting you on the back.
"Are you guys pissed at Tom?" You asked. You had to ask sometime, and you knew Abbie wouldn't get mad at you. He looked down at you and let out a small exhale.
"No, nobody's mad at him. We all knew the truth about what had happened that night, but we still don't think it's anyone's fault. His best friend had just gotten bashed in the noggin, that's bound to freak anyone out. Anyway, I really admire Hayden. I think he's a really important person for our country right now. Real shame that it has to be this way." Abbie explained. You agreed with every word he said. You were glad that Abbie recognized Tom's brilliance.
"It's a really big shame. I'll miss you all loads." You uttered. Abbie gave you a friendly hug.
"I'll think of you every day pal." He laughed. You eventually reached Kunstler's after miles of talking and laughing. You opened the door and found Tom sitting on the staircase with Rennie. He got up to greet you.
"How was that?" Tom asked. He looked pretty depressed and exhausted.
"Twas really fun!" You exclaimed.
"Nah she's pretty awful to hang with." Abbie said jokingly. Tom chuckled. You saw them exchange a look of understanding and forgiveness and you felt your heart swell. You were glad that your last few weeks with these guys would be relatively calm.
"Hey! Bernadine just got Jefferson's new album! Wanna listen?" You heard Jerry shout from the other room.
"I didn't even know they were releasing a new one." Abbie said. That surprised you. Must be the stress of the trial. You all gathered in the living room as Bernadine set the record onto the player and started playing the album. You layed back onto Tom and listened to the music, trying to just relax and chill out. All of the sudden, you felt sick. Very sick.

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