shower *smut*

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As soon as you entered the bathroom, his hands were on you. You felt yourself being slammed into the door as his lips captured yours in a hungry, languid kiss. His hands slipped up your dress, expertly undoing your bra. You moaned as he moved his full lips down suck on your neck. It felt amazing. Every time he touched you, electricity shot through your body like a pleasurable bullet. It was bliss. He pulled away from your neck and looked at his masterpiece of hickies with lidded eyes.
"There. That should help Hoffman sort his priorities out." He growled, roughly grabbing your arms and lifting them above your head. He then grabbed the hem of your dress and flung it over your head, leaving you naked, panting and flustered.
"On your knees." He growled into your ear. You didn't even try to resist him. He was in one of those moods. Those possessive, dark, hungry moods. You could only obey him as you felt his hand pushing you to the ground. He looked down at you, a panting mess for him, and smirked. You looked up at him and whimpered. Your heat was begging to be touched, but you dared not lift a finger to your own body.
"Hmm. Good girl. Stay there." He muttered, turning to prepare the shower. You hoped he'd hurry. You needed him. He turned the shower on to the hottest temperature and ruffled his hair as he began undressing. His muscles rippled as he made quick work of unbuttoning, unzipping, and lifting his clothes off. His long, impossibly tempting cock was hard as all get out, and seemed to you as alluring as a lollipop would be to a child. You needed it in you. He lifted a hand to test the water's temperature , shrugged and turned to you with lust blown eyes.
"Get in." He demanded. You nodded, slowly got up from your kneeling position. You avoided his gaze, walking over, and stepping over the ledge, into the shower. You sighed as the hot water doused your body, drenching your skin and hair. You heard Tom climb in behind you, and the opening of a bottle. You felt hands run down your skin, spreading a body wash down to the small of your back, where you knew you couldn't quite reach. Goosebumps spring up in the wake of the slightly calloused touch. You let out a little shriek, spinning around and promptly getting a faceful of water. Scrubbing your hands across your eyes, you squint at the man who'd just entered the shower, and was looking down at you with hungry, glassed eyes. His sandy hair slowly flattened to his head, forming little ringlets as he ducked into the spray of water. 
"Pick your mouth up off the floor, l/n." He said with a shit-eating grin. You blushed and scowled at him, but there was no heat behind it. He looked too cute with his cheeks flushed pink from the heat of the shower. He shook his curled wet hair out of his face.
"You're hogging the water." You boldly stated, afraid to look him in his fire-y eyes. You crowded him back out of the spray, pressing up against his firm chest as you bravely glared up at him. Tom laughed, scrunching his nose up and bringing his hands around your waist.
"If you're gonna be a brat, maybe I should just, I dunno, leave you here like this?" He suggested, shrugging his freckled shoulders.
"NO!" You blurted. He smirked and pressed a finger to your lips.
"That's what I thought." He stated bluntly. Squeezing you a little more tightly to himself, he shuffled forward until you were both under the waterfall. It felt good under the hot water, but his hard body felt even better and hotter pressed against you. As he ran his hands up your back, you started to spread your legs a bit, rubbing your full body up against his. Your nipples started to tighten up against his wet skin, and you could feel his thickening cock nudge up against your center. Your eyes went half-lidded as you made heated eye contact with him. His lips parted, revealing a hint of white teeth and his pink tongue. You focused on a particularly large freckle underneath his pouty lower lip, and started to bring your lips closer to his. The moment was broken when Tom spun you back around to face the shower wall. You let out a small shriek, but he chuckled into your ear.
"Patience." He tutted. He pumped the sweet and spicy-smelling body wash into his hands, and started to run them up your front, slowly gliding along your stomach up towards your breasts. Briefly cupping your breasts in his big hands, he bypassed your nipples and instead skimmed along your collarbones, gently caressing your throat before reaching your shoulders.  You involuntarily shuddered as your neglected nipples harden further.
Deliberately misinterpreting your shivers, Tom crowded into your back.
"Cold, darling? Let me fix that." He tilted the shower head slightly until the water was aimed at your chest. You shuddered again at the competing sensations of the hot water on your front and his smooth skin against your back. Gathering your wet hair in one hand, he leaned down to run his lips along the revealed skin of your neck. When you tried to grind back into his cock, he nipped at your neck and grabbed your hips firmly.
"Still not done. Legs next?" He muttered.
"Tom, stop being such a tease" You tried to squirm out of his grip, but he was too strong. Craning your head back, you looked into his now-dark eyes.
"Nope, don't wanna." His eyes crinkled up in that infuriatingly cocky grin as he peered down at you in between locks of his wet hair. Shaking his bangs out of his face once again, he kissed you firmly but briefly, and then let go to grab the handheld shower head. You took advantage of his momentary distraction to reach back and trail your fingers along his cock, fully hard and pressing up against the small of your back. You caressed the silky skin and cupped the head of his cock until he growled into your ear. Grabbing your wrist, Tom brought your hand up to his mouth and lightly bit down on your index finger.
"I told you we aren't done yet. Don't you want to be a clean girl for me?" He asked, no, demanded.
"I'd rather be dirty," you whispered as he sucked your finger fully into his mouth, running his tongue along the sensitive pad of your finger. Tom moaned around your finger as your words sank in. However, you didn't have the last word for long. Tom forcibly nudged one thigh between your legs, pushing your thighs apart and exposing you to the handheld shower head, which he was now aiming directly at your sensitive core.
You tossed your head back and moaned at the feeling of the water spraying against your pussy. Tom smirked and tilted the water until you audibly gasped – he had it aimed at the perfect spot, not directly on your clit, but close enough to send shockwaves of sensation throughout your entire center. He chuckled darkly, running his other hand down your side and firmly squeezing your hip.
"Feel good?" He punctuated his question with a nip to your neck. You were too overwhelmed to answer him with anything except soft moans. All of your senses were assaulted – the spicy smell of the body wash, the steam filling the air, the feeling of the hot water beating down on you and his tendrils of hair tickling your neck. You sagged back into Tom, but he easily held you up with the hand on your hip. He was subtly grinding his hard, wet cock against your ass, but was more focused on what he was doing to you with the showerhead.
Tom slid his hand around to your pussy, and gently spread your lips to reveal your clit. You could feel the orgasm rising up in you as he inched the spray of water closer to where you were throbbing, but it wasn't quite enough to push you over the edge.
"Tommy, please..." You grinded down on his fingers, trying to get him to slide them inside you. Tom just growled and nipped your neck again, using the strength of his arm wrapped around your hips to hold you still.
"Don't be greedy, you slut. I know you can come this way. And then, if you're a good girl, I'll fuck you the way you want." He aimed the showerhead directly on your throbbing clit and bit down where your neck met your shoulder. The wave of warmth inside you radiated throughout your entire body as you shook through your orgasm, leaving you gasping and shivering as Tom put the showerhead back and wrapped both of his long arms around your waist.  Weak-kneed, you turned around in his embrace and pulled him down into a heated kiss. You could feel his need for you – his hard cock was bumping into your abdomen, his hard nipples were rubbing up against yours, and his eyes were screwed shut as he plundered your mouth with his tongue. You needed more, too–despite the orgasm, you were not fully satisfied. You needed something inside you now. His fingers, tongue, whatever he wanted to give you... but preferably his cock.
Pulling away from the kiss, you looked into his eyes.
"I'll do anything, just please, put it in me." You whined, grabbing at the hair at the nape of his neck. Tom bit his lip, suppressing a moan at your suggestive words. His sparkling eyes had gone dark with lust. His breath hitched as he gripped your thighs, hauling you up until your legs were wrapped around his narrow waist. You moaned for what felt like the millionth time today, but quickly slid your arms around his neck, hanging onto his freckled shoulders.  He pressed you against the cold shower wall, shifting his grip to hold you securely by your ass. The sudden change in temperature on your back only served to heighten the heat of his wet body pressed up against yours. Tom leaned in and slid his lips against yours, forcing your mouth open and slipping his tongue in.  You tightened your grip on his shoulders, enjoying the feeling of his muscles flexing with the effort to hold you up. Tom easily shifted you into position so that he could slide his cock right into your throbbing pussy. You both let out loud moans as you got what you've been waiting for. It felt incredible to be filled. He broke the kiss to throw his head back, groaning at the feeling of your wet warmth surrounding him. The water was running into his face, damp tendrils of hair plastered to his freckled forehead. You were taken at his beauty–and his strength, as he started to pound into you while holding you steady against the shower wall.
He was keeping a steady, hard pace, and the angle was perfect–his thick cock was rubbing up against your g-spot, and your clit was being stimulated by his firm abs. You scratched your nails across his broad back, leaving little red marks that were soothed by the hot shower. You could see his biceps bulging and the veins in his neck throbbing from the exertion.  You leaned forward and attached your mouth to his throat, nibbling up and down, feeling the vibrations from his low moans under your lips.
Tom's grip on your ass cheeks tightened as he hurtled closer to orgasm.
"Shit, y/n" he groaned, slightly out of breath.
You tightened your thighs around his waist, and ran your hands up and down his arms, squeezing his biceps.
"For such a skinny fuck, these are pretty firm." You sneered. You smirked at him, getting an answering grin.
"At least we know that they're good for something now." He suggested. He leaned in for another searing kiss, and increased his pace even further. You were were in a steamy haze, enjoying the view of his face lost in pleasure, the sounds of his moans and gasps, and most of all, the feeling of his hard cock pounding into you. You were already so sensitive from your previous orgasm, that it was not taking much to push you over the edge again.
All too quickly, the thread in you snapped, and you shook through another orgasm. You tightened up everywhere–your hands around his shoulders, your thighs around his waist, and your pussy around his cock. The sensation pushed Tom into his orgasm as well. You felt his hips jackhammer forward, shooting into you as his hands tightened on your ass and he buried his moans into your neck.
Slowly coming down with heavy pants, he gently encouraged you to unwrap your legs so he could lower you back to a standing position. However, your knees were too shaky, and you start to crumple to the ground. Tom laughed and caught you around the waist , pulling you closer to him and pecking your lips.
"Now you're really dirty, huh?" He muttered.
You pouted up at him.
"Get me clean again." You asserted.
Tom was always cute and clingy after sex, and this was no different. His previously dark, hungry had softened and sparkled beautifully once again. He gently ran his hands all over you, scrubbing you with body wash again and then rinsing you off, being sure to avoid the oversensitive spots.  You washed each other's hair, giggling as you formed his hair into a mini mohawk. It was punctuated by soft, sweet kisses and caresses.  Finally, after a long time, you turned the shower off and stepped out into the bathroom which was completely filled with steam. You sighed happily–that was an amazing shower, and an even better experience. Tom nuzzled into you, wrapping his arms around your waist.
"God, you still suck really bad Hayden, but I'll be damned if you aren't good at that." You told him. He grunted into your neck.
"You are such a bitch." He sighed, lifting his arms off of you and grabbing a towel to wrap you with. He grabbed one for himself, and the two of you crept into your bedroom, not wanting Abbie to see you exiting the bathroom together. You got into the bedroom and looked over at Tom, who appeared to be shivering in his dripping wet form.
"Aw, poor baby." You joked, grabbing your fuzziest robe and handing it to him. You pulled on one of Tom's work shirts and collapsed onto the bed. Tom shrugged into your robe, which was even big on him, and walked over to the bed, sitting on the edge, his shoulders shaking from the cold. You laughed and pulled him back to the head of the bed, draping the covers over him. You had to admit, he looked pretty damn cute in your plaid robe. His hair was curly, messy and damp. Drops of water still dotted his long eyelashes. You had to hold him. He was too sweet for his own good. He looked up at you innocently as you pulled him into your arms. He was like a little fuzzy ball of sunshine. Nothing like the sex god you'd just hung out with in the bathroom. You felt perfectly content as he drifted off to sleep in your arms.

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