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You stood on the altar now. Facing Kunstler, who had gotten his officiant permit in order to marry the two of you. He smiled warmly at you both.
"Welcome, everyone. Friends and family who have traveled to be with Thomas Hayden and y/n l/n today: we thank you for being here to share this special day. You may be seated." Kunstler said. You heard everyone's asses hit the seats. You looked at Tom through the corner of your eye, not sure if fully turning to him was appropriate or not. He seemed to be having the same struggle. Kunstler began again.
"Now. I have known these two for quite some time, as you may know. And I can say, without a doubt, that love is the force that brings us all here today. In fact, love is the force behind much of what we do every day. Whether making a meal for our family, taking time to teach our children, or lending a listening ear to a friend—even in the mundane, commonplace routines, love is always the reason. These two have been through thick and thin together. Highs and lows. Jail. Heartbreak. Sorrow. Through it all, they persevered. Why? Because love always wins in the end. So, let us celebrate them. Celebrate all they've been through. Celebrate all that they will go through." Kunstler explained. "Now, Tom, you can lift her vail." He added. Tom nodded and turned to you, slowly lifting the white material from your face. Your eyes met. It was like fire on water. An explosion. You blushed. He was like an angel. Why the hell was he marrying you? His green eyes looked happier than you'd ever seen them. That's all you could've asked for, really. For him to be happy. You were allowed to look at eachother now, which was exciting.
"Now. That being said, just because you've already gone through trials and tribulations doesn't mean that you are immune to more. Marriage is an imperfect thing. It will never be easy. But there is one piece of advice that I believe that all couples should receive. Just, cherish one-another. Never stop doing the small things that convey respect and trust. Hold doors, write notes, listen and strive to understand. Let kindness and tenderness be the rule, not the exception. Remember that you're both on the same team. Together you will fight demons, defeat enemies, build a life, and forge a bond that is greater than the sum of its parts." Kunstler said. Tom smiled down at you. After that, you exchanged the regular vows. Jerry and Abbie wept all the way through. Then, it was time for personal vows. You were first. You took a deep breath and looked up into the eyes that felt as if they were your own. They were like mirrors into your own soul. Maybe it was because you'd lost yourself in him, maybe it was the light reflecting off of the lightness in his eyes. Either way, it was beautiful. He was beautiful. You cleared your throat.
"Tom Hayden. How do I even begin to describe Tom Hayden. A hero, might be a good start. A champion? Maybe. An activist. A soldier. A damn good man, sure. But you know what? I think that's all bullshit. I think Tom Hayden is a piece of shit. (Laughs from audience) no, no I'm just kidding. Tom, Tommy boy. I want so badly to be able to explain all the love I have for you. Not the love of butterflies and stomach knots—but more the blurring of self and the entanglement with another soul. Love is a word that is much too soft and used far too often to ever describe the fierce, infinite and blazing passion that I have in my heart for you. You are a million dreams and a million prayers of a little girl come true. You are kind. You are funny. You are intelligent. Your laugh is contagious. You could probably beat the creators of M.A.S.H at M.A.S.H trivia. Hell, you could probably be president. You acknowledge my strengths and accept my faults. You make me want to be a better person every day. I take you as you are now, tomorrow and for eternity to come, to be my husband. Even when the day comes that we're old and gray and fat, I promise to always see you with the same eyes and the same heart that I see you with at this exact moment. So today, I vow to honor you and respect you, support you and encourage you. I promise to dream with you, celebrate with you, and walk beside you through whatever life brings. I vow to laugh with you and comfort you during times of joy and times of sorrow. I promise to always pursue you, to fight for you, and love you unconditionally and wholeheartedly for the rest of my life. You are my best friend and I'm the luckiest person on Earth to call you mine. I'm still pinching myself, trying to figure out if this is real, just for the record. Thanks for making my dreams come true, gorgeous." You finished. Hey! Your voice only cracked 7 times! Tom smiled down at you. There were definitely a few tears in his eyes. Jerry was sobbing.
"Thank you." He mouthed, the corners of his eyes crinkling. You nodded.
"Of course." You responded. It was Tom's turn. He looked surprisingly relaxed.
"Okay. Uh, wow. So. Y/n l/n. I'm so proud that today I become your husband. I love you.
I love that you are the only person who's ever made me laugh so hard that I can't breathe. I love that you always push my hair back when it's in my face. I love that I get a kiss from you every night before I go to sleep. I love that you're open to trying new things. I love that you make me read to you because you know that it calms us both down. Most of all, I love that you understand me in a way that I never thought possible. Thank you for that. Today, I want to make promises to you that I will always keep. I promise to never stop holding your hand. I promise to make sure I'm not just hungry when I get upset. I promise to let you keep my green sweater when I'm away for work. I promise to share my food with you, never go to bed angry and always honor your passion for our secret lover, judge Julius Hoffman (chuckles from audience). I promise to stand by your side while you face the world. Listen to you when you speak. I promise to join your laughter with my own and when you can't look on the bright side, I will sit with you in the dark. I promise to grow alongside you, but also to never grow up. I promise to love, respect, protect and trust you, and give you the best of myself, for I know that together we will build a life far better than either of us could imagine alone. I choose you. I'll choose you over and over and over, without pause, without doubt, I'll keep choosing you. I used to never truly enjoy moments because I was always waiting for what's next. The next thing to happen. Kind of living life in fast forward. Now that I have you, I enjoy the moment. Every moment. Today seems like it's the start of a new journey, but I already belong to you. Falling for you wasn't falling at all—it was walking into a house and knowing you're home. I love you." He finished. Your makeup ran a bit. Ah fuck. You'd totally forgotten that Tom's job was to give passionate speeches. The audience was right there with you. Jerry let out a loud sob.
"Can I hug him?" You asked kunstler through soft sobs. Kunstler nodded. You leaned forward to wrap your arms around him.
"I love you so much Tom Hayden. So much." You cried. Tom patted your back.
"I love you too. Let's get married real quick though, okay?" He said. Kunstler smiled.
"Ready?" He asked. You sniffed and wiped a tear.
"Yes." You affirmed. The audience chuckled.
"You may now exchange rings." Kunstler said. Tom's cousin Matt came up and handed you the bands. You slid them onto each-others fingers, looking into his eyes all the while. Kunstler beamed over at you. Abbie gave you a thumbs up.
"With these public promises and vows, and the symbolic exchange of wedding bands, I now pronounce you, by the power vested in me, I now pronounce you, Thomas Emmett Hayden, and y/n m/n l/n, man and wife!" Kunstler announced. Silence.
"Oh gosh, Tom just kiss her for Christ's sake." Kunstler chuckled. That was all he needed. Suddenly, you were dipped over Tom's arm, kissing the living shit out of your husband. Y/n Hayden. You liked the sound of that.

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