a conversation

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You jumped into his arms. Your world had just completed itself. You felt whole. Your heart felt full for the first time in a very, very long time. You climbed onto his lap and held his head. His beautiful, perfect head. He loved you. Tom Hayden really loved you. He'd never said that before. Not ever. You could hardly believe it. Your happiness swelled when you felt him start to sway you back and forth. You were exactly where you were meant you to be. You pulled away to look down at him.
"I love you, like a really ridiculous amount, Tom." You choked out, a lump rising in your throat for the 1000th time that day. Tom smiled and leaned in to kiss you. You kissed him back, passion starting to take over.
"I never stopped, you know." Tom breathed out between kisses. Deep down, you knew. You kissed him hungrily before responding.
"I loved you the moment you opened that big, loud mouth of yours." You whispered. Tom bit your lip and snaked his tongue into your mouth, using a handful of your hair as leverage to scoot closer to you.
"I know." He breathed out. You chuckled and layed him down, climbing on top of him and smashing your lips together once again.
"Why didn't you tell me." You asked. He chuckled and brought his head down to bite and suck on your neck. You felt him shrug.
"I didn't want you to have to deal with me. You probably deserve someone less um- I dunno- me?" He said between sucks. You shook your head.
"Unfortunately, -ugh- as much as I would love for my heart to belong to someone -ah- ah less annoying, I've settled on you. Cant shake it." You said, moaning when his fingers started to lower the straps of your dress.
"This really sucks doesn't it. We could literally have anyone else in the world, but we can't get over each-other. You know how much trouble we could've avoided if we had the decency to leave eachother alone?" Tom reflected, grunting when you grinded down on his dick. You chuckled, and tugged his hair back, giving you access to kiss his freckled neck.
"Tell me about it." You said between soft kisses. Tom's breath hitched when he felt his hand being pressed up against your half exposed breast. He looked down and tensed his jaw when he saw your nipple peak out from under your dress. He touched it softly with his finger, and circled the nub, a smirk forming on his face when you moaned loudly.
"Shh shh." He hissed, gently pressing your head down to rest against his shoulder. Your fingers trailed down to start to
"Hey, hey, y/n. I would really, really love to continue this, but I just had a heart attack, so I feel like it might not be the greatest idea. My mouth is still fully functional, though." He said with a wink. You chuckled and shook your head. You climbed off of his lap, and rested next to him, as the bed was big enough for two.
"Can I hold you?" Was your only request. Tom smiled and nodded.
"No." He spat, rolling on top of you and resting his head in the crook of your neck. You smiled and wrapped your arms around his delicate shoulders. You had the whole world in your arms. He was safe, and he loved you, and you loved him... aaaaaand you'd fucked Abbie. Where the hell was Abbie? Had he left? Did he know Tom was alright? You started to perseverate, but stopped when you felt a kiss on your neck.
"Don't worry. It'll all turn out in the end." Tom whispered. You smiled and began to count the freckles that dotted his shoulders. You thought about something Tom had told you back in Chicago.
"Tom?" You asked. He shifted and rested his chin on your chest, looking at you with sleepy eyes.
"What." He grunted. You brushed his hair back from his eyes. He needed a haircut desperately, but you wouldn't deny how cute it was all messy.
"You know how you said your girlfriends had counted your freckles before?" You inquired, furrowing your brows. Tom let out an audible laugh and rested his head down on your chest.
"Yep. Why?" He asked. You shrugged and paused, worried that you might sound stupid.
"Did any of them ever make it all the way?" You muttured. Tom lifted his head up and cocked an eyebrow at you.
"As in- did they make sweet sweet love to me?" He sneered. You playfully ruffled his hair and shook your head.
"No as in- whats the highest amount of freckles that someone counted to."
Tom raised his eyebrows and nodded.
"Good question." He asserted. "Let me think."
You waited for a while, watching as Tom's eyebrows furrowed in thought. You could tell he reached a conclusion when he smiled.
"I think it was actually 9,450 or something like that. My ex wife cornered me after I got home really early in the morning after working at the HQ all night. Pinned me down, and started counting. It was kinda sexy." He pondered. You rolled your eyes and kissed his forehead softly.
"I don't really know much about your marriage." You reflected. Tom shrugged and rested his chin on your breast.
"I can give you a run-down, if you want." He said. You nodded and pouted your lip.
"Yeah, I've always been curious."
Tom nodded.
"Uh, so her name was Sandy, Sandra Cason. I met her a few months after graduating college, when I saw her giving a talk at a demonstration. I don't know if you know this, but I actually grew up pretty conversative. Dad was one of those crazy Irish catholic alcoholic assholes, and I pretty much lived to impress him until college, when I decided to form my own views. Sandy was pretty influential in determining those. She was a socialist leftist, and she was already involved in the movement when we met. She invited me to join what would become the SDS, and we eventually started dating. I became president, we moved to New York, and started living together. We were young, ya know, we thought we were in love, and planned our kids names and stuff, but I think we just had a lot in common and enjoyed each others company too much to break it off after feelings started to fade. Anyway, I was drunk one night and asked her to marry me, and she said yes, so we got married. My dad was furious oh my god- and mom- I don't even want to think about that fiasco. I haven't seen them since the wedding." Tom explained. You bit your lip.
"You- you don't go for Christmas or anything?" You asked. Tom shook his head.
"N-no. No I don't think I could bare that." He said, smiling sadly.
"C'mere." You whispered, inviting him to scoot up further and rest his head in the crook of your neck. He did so, and you wrapped your arms around him and drew small circles on his back.
"So uh- anyway yeah- Sandy and I got married, and ended up staying married for a few years. We divorced in 65', just because our political careers were both getting really intense and I had to focus on the Port Huron Statement and all that shit. I dunno, I think I probably loved her, but it just didn't work out." He finished. You sighed and leaned your head down to meet his eyes.
"I'm glad that you were able to put yourself first. That takes balls." You told him. He did a straight lined smile and shrugged. He started to say, something, but stopped and giggled.
"This is gonna sound really dumb." He whispered. You turned so that you were laying next to each-other, facing each-other.
"Just say it." You urged. Tom bit his lip.
"I'm gonna sound like such a dick." He said, squinting his eyes and breathing sharply through his teeth. You shook his shoulder and and rolled your eyes.
"Tom, I am completely aware of how much of a dick you are. You forget, I am also, a raging monster cock." You joked. Tom laughed and took a deep breath.
"Ohh my god I feel so bad. I feel so bad. Okay, so you know how I dated Jane?" Tom asked. You raised your eyebrows.
"Oh yes I do." You groaned. Tom bit his lip.
"Okay, so I did- sort of- halfway like her towards the beginning, but- oh my god this is so shallow- she like- farted super loud in the middle of the night and like- didn't like her after that-" you cut him off.
"I know- hear me out- because it smelled like old pancakes and it was like, so big that the covers floofed up a bit, and I literally had to get up and take a walk because the stench did not leave. It wouldn't leave it was so bad." Tom said between laughs. You were laughing your ass off from the moment he said fart, to the point where actual tears were streaming down your face. He was laughing too now.
"S-so HAH Jane Fonda let out a toot, a FUCKING TOOT and you lost feelings, for fucking- oh my god Tom." You giggled. Tom shook his head and raked his fingers through his hair.
"I told you, I'm like kind of a terrible person on the inside." He chuckled. You shook your head and smiled.
"Should I go tell the head of the California State Senate what you just said, see if you still get a seat in the legislature? Fart freedom man?" You jested. Tom's hand shot to his chest as he pulled a very false hurt face.
"First of all, how dare you. If Jane hadn't- if- HAH if she hadn't let out such a stinky surprise then perhaps w- perhaps HAH perhaps we wouldn't be where we are today." He insisted. You clicked your tongue and groaned.
"Oh please you would've fallen into my strong, manly arms eventually, princess." You sing-songed. Tom raised his eyebrows at you and rolled his eyes.
"No I- yeah. No probably you are probably right." He breathed out. You yawned and scooted forward to press your head to Tom's bare chest. His large hand dipped down to the small of your back and pulled your close.
"I love you, you ignorant daddy's boy." You sighed. Tom yawned and closed his eyes.
"Love you too, stuck up richy bitch."

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