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Jerry stood up and smiled down at you.
"As Abraham Lincoln once said, stoners live and stoners die in and in the end we all get high. Find a love and find a friend and they'll support you to the end. Great quote from Abe. (Laugh from crowd) and, my pals, that's what brings us all together tonight to celebrate Tom and y/n. Anyway, hi all! I'm Jerry Rubin. My greatest achievement is being the first ever person that y/n kissed to make Tom Hayden jealous. I feel like I should add that I wasn't the last. My second greatest achievement is that y/n chose me as her best maid. I debated wearing a nice frock, but I didn't want to outshine the woman of the hour (chuckle). Now. I've known Tom a bit longer than I've known y/n. I would say that I know him quite well. As my pal Abbie would tell you, watching y/n and Tom try and pretend like they weren't mad for each-other was like watching a squirrel try and fly. It was honestly the most entertaining show I've ever seen. Grumpy over here would always be hiding smiles, and y/n's face was always red as a tomato when Hayden was around. These two have quite the love story. Every day that Tom was in jail, y/n spent thinking about him. When I lived with her, I would catch her just staring at the wall with a sad expression on her face. I always knew that she had Tom on her mind. I was so glad when he came out to California. His excuse was that he wanted to live with friends, but I knew that was bullshit. Tom could've lived with anyone he wanted to. He wanted y/n. These two went from two fiery stubborn thickheads, to some of the happiest people I've ever met. I don't know of any bigger smiles than the smiles that they wear when they are together. Smiles that say 'wow, it took years of obstacles and heartbreak to get where we are, but it's all worth it.' Not to mention that they are actual soulmates. Best friends. Obsessed with each other. I don't think they have fought once since they figured everything out. Seeing the way Tom looks at y/n would make any girl jealous. Y/n visibly melts every time he walks into a room. Whenever y/n looks away, Tom looks at y/n. Whenever Tom looks away, he's being stared down by y/n. Seeing their love from an outside perspective makes me want to fall in love so desperately. (He chokes up) What they have is beautiful. It's everlasting. It's simple. They just make sense. They were the "will they won't they" couple from your favorite TV show. Y/n actually pretended to date Abbie for a while to get Tom to break up with his girlfriend for a while. Who does that? Anyway, Tom, y/n? I love you guys. You make my sunshine brighter and my heart lighter. Tom, you are one hell of an American patriot, and y/n, you are a rainbow of positivity. Here's to forever. Here's to future me babysitting the brattiest, most stubborn little shits of all time! Love you guys. Congrats on your love." Jerry finished. Not a dry eye in the house. You held back a sob and shot up to pull Jerry into a hug. He hugged you back.
"I love you, Jer." You whimpered. Jerry sniffed.
"I love you too!" He said, tears at the corners of his eyes. Tom shook his hands.
"Thanks." He said. Jerry smiled at him. You all sat. You felt Tom stand up beside you.
"Hey. Um, I'm Tom. Thanks for coming. You are all here because y/n and I really like eachother. So much so that we want to spend the rest of our lives dealing with eachother, which is a great sacrifice on both sides. I met y/n back when the US government was pretty dead set on me and my pals going to jail. Just to be transparent, I was depressed at the time. Very, very depressed. So much so that I wasn't sure if I was gonna make it to the end of the trial. September 1st was a particularly bad day for me. Until it wasn't. It wasn't until a small, gangly little h/c haired girl stuck her hand out for me to shake. She was captivating. I felt like I couldn't breathe. I'm not particularly good at dealing with my feelings, which in this case were mostly confusion. I was angry at myself. I was so used to feeling being numb and acting like this complete dick that it was completely foreign to me to have a girl effect me that much. Because of that confusion, I tried my best to act indifferent to her. I had to try really hard not to act like a complete dork around her. I mean, here was this crabby little spitfire intern that wanted nothing to do with me, and I was completely and irrevocably in love with her. It took me a few weeks of realization for it to dawn on me that she might like me too. From there, it was a long game of us being obsessed with one another. There was always something keeping us from really getting what we wanted. I would push her away because I was afraid of hurting her, she would avoid me because she didn't think I liked her. It was exhausting. All I wanted was her, but I was terrified of bringing such a beautiful thing into the clusterfuck of chaos that is my life. But she surprised me. I gave her a chance, just to see if she could handle my world, and she could. She handled it better than I do. Why? Because she's brilliant. She's my rock. God knows where I would be if she had the decency to leave me  alone. Y/n, falling for you was the easiest thing I've ever done. Thank you for taking this journey with me. I love you, so, so much. You are my joy. Thank you everybody." Tom said. You were crying. His words had touched your soul. Never had he said anything like that to you before. Everyone was right there with you. Leave it to your Tom. You got up to pull him into a hug. Followed by a kiss. Tom was all blushy and sheepish as the audience cheered for him.
"I'm yours. Always." You told him. His eyes brimmed with tears.
"Thank you." He said.
"For what?" You chuckled. Tom shrugged and nodded.
"Everything." He whispered. You smiled and hugged him again. You could've hugged him forever. You sat back down. You held Tom's hand for the rest of the evening. That is- until you heard 'let us in!' From outside. Oh shit.

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