water under the bridge

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You woke up to the sounds of birds chirping and Tom snoring. The nurses had opened the window, letting the natural sunlight light scatter through the room. The breeze was light and calm, the tips of tree branches peeking in through the window. Tom was nuzzled against you, his head resting against your cheek (you liked to sleep on your back). You didn't want to wake Tom, so you carefully peeled his limp arm off of your torso and quickly rolled out of the bed, and onto the ground. The unit that you and Tom were staying in was a recovery unit, so it was pretty calm and chill. Lots of other people staying with their loved ones. Luckily for you, that means free breakfast. You grabbed one of Tom's sweaters that Abbie had brought when he delivered Tom's stuff during the heart attack. It was the green one. Your favorite. You pulled it on over your dress and quietly left the room. You were greeted by a nurse doing some paperwork in the hallway.
"Good morning. Can I help you find anything sweetheart?" She asked politely. You smiled and nodded.
"Actually yeah- um- where is the breakfast? And also, would I be able to bring some back for my uh- boyfriend?" You asked, stumbling over the last word. For some reason, it didn't feel wrong to call him that. After all, he told you he loved you. Your heart swelled with excitement as you recalled your conversation with him the night before. You really felt at home with him. You could just- be. It was a beautiful feeling. You thanked the nurse, who told you that the breakfast was around the corner and to the left. You arrived at a rather large commons area. There was a large fireplace, some couches, a board games area, a fish tank, a kids area, and a kitchen and dining space. That was your destination. You looked around and saw all different sorts of people. Lots of young couples, probably in here for the same reason you and Tom were. Some little kids with their parents, but mostly older people in wheelchairs. You saw a few people you recognized, friends of Abbie's and Tom's. Maybe police skirmishes? You hummed softly to yourself as you travelled along the breakfast buffet. You ended up getting a fruit bowl, waffles, scrambled eggs and Tom's favorite, vanilla Greek yogurt. A man helped you with putting in into a to-go box, and you headed back to the room. You found that the door was open, and the edge of a wheelchair was peeking out the hallway from inside. You raised your eyebrows and slowly crept into the room, finding Tom to be sitting awake, and a nurse taking his vitals.
"Hey! My least favorite person!" Tom exclaimed. You sighed and set the breakfast down on the countertop beside the door. The nurse smiled sweetly at you.
"Hi, my name is Carolyn, and I'll be Tom's primary nurse." She told you in a very thick southern accent. You got up, walked over and stuck out your hand for her to shake it.
"Nice to meet you Carolyn, my name is y/n. I'm Tom's dad." You asserted. The nurse's eyes widened for a second, but the moment she realized it was a joke, she burst into a fit of laughs. So intensely, that she had to bend over with her hands on her knees to keep herself standing. You turned to Tom, who shrugged and raised his eyebrows at you. You awkwardly giggled, not wanting her to feel uncomfortable or anything.
"Haha, just kidding I'm his uh-"
"She's my lover." Tom said in a remarkably good British accent. You met his gaze, and smiled your most genuine smile. He'd never really said that before. It wasn't like you were official or anything, but it still made your heart feel like it was going to explode at any moment. Tom gestured to the breakfast as the nurse recovered from her laughing attack. She wiped a few tears from her eyes, and looked you up and down.
"You know what I didn't think that anyone could quite match up to how handsome this here fella is, but you are such a doll, that I must've been wrong!" The nurse exclaimed. You and Tom both blushed and thanked her awkwardly. Neither of you were the compliment type.
"Um, will Tom have to use a wheelchair?" You asked her. She looked back at the chair and clapped her hands together.
"Oh- yes. That is, if you can get him to sit in it. He doesn't seem to want to use it very much." The nurse said. Tom ran his fingers through his hair and sunk down into the pillows.
"I'm not an 80 year old man or a person of limited physical means. I can walk just fine. Give it to someone who really needs it." He stated. You were proud of how considerate he was about those kinds of things. He was an arrogant bastard, but he was a caring arrogant bastard. And apparently, your arrogant bastard. You laughed and turned to grab some food for Tom. The nurse told you a few different activities that you could do between check-up's and treatment while you gave Tom his food. You made sure to give him more than he needed, because you'd seen the numbers on the doctors clipboard, and Tom only weighed 147 pounds. He needed to eat more than you did. The nurse changed out his IV, and told you how to maneuver it around if you wanted to go walk in the gardens or something like that. After some convincing, okay, a lot of convincing, Tom finally agreed to use the wheelchair. The nurse wanted to test it out, to see if it was comfortable enough, so the two of you handed him a robe, helped him to his feet, and plopped him down in the chair. He groaned and stretched his back.
"Is this really necessary?" He grunted, adjusting himself hastily. You slowly walked up behind him and gave him a shoulder massage.
"Tom, it's fine. What if fall over and break your leg or something. You couldn't run from the cops then. Do we want to repeat Chicago?" You jested. Tom looked up at you and tensed his jaw. You were right and he knew it. You'd noticed that the nurse had cocked an eyebrow when you mentioned Chicago and the cops.
"Are you- no way Jose. You aren't Tom Hayden, the politician, surely." The nurse said, puffing her chest out a bit. You moved closer to Tom, placing a knowing hand on his shoulder.
"Uh- I think so." Tom said, raising his eyebrows. The nurse scoffed and crossed her arms.
"You, sir, deserve to be exactly where you are right now. I cannot continue to service you knowing what I now know. I am an American. You, sir, are something else. You and your slut. Real shame." She spat. Your fists were now balled in rage. How dare she. Tom stayed very calm. He was used to this sort of thing happening. It was as regular to him as receiving a hair compliment would be for a blonde. He didn't seem to mind much. You minded. Very much.
"Hey listen here fatty-" Tom cut you off.
"Ma'am, I appreciate the care you've given me. I hope you come to your senses someday." Tom stated calmly. You felt butterflies erupt in your stomach. He had so much control over the way people acted. The nurse immediately blushed when he addressed her, and stomped out of the room when he finished. Tom chuckled softly and flipped her off when she couldn't see. You walked over to perch yourself up on his knee, grab his face, and kiss him passionately. He was taken aback at first by how sudden your kiss was, but slowly melted into it and kissed you back feverishly. You pulled away.
"You are so goddamn sexy, Tom Hayden. Do you know that? You drive me up the wall with your overwhelming hotness." You told him. He bit his lip exaggeratedly.
"Honhon you like vwhat you see dahling?" He crooned in a fake French accent. Dickhead.
"Hey, I was trying to compliment you, douchebag." You told him, shaking his shoulders gently. He threw his head back, groaned, then leaned back up to smirk at you.
"I think I got just about all the compliments I could get from you from your journal back in Chicago." He sneered with a wink. Your hands shot to your mouth. Holy shit. You'd gotten drunk one night with Bernadine and written the top 55 sexiest things about Tom Hayden in the back of your notebook. You must've left it out. You felt your face get hot. You shook your head and leaned forward to hide your face in the crook of Tom's neck.
"No no no." You repeated over and over. Tom was laughing his cocky ass off at this point.
"Some highlights I can remember-" you cut him off by shoving your hand over his mouth.
"No." You spat. He easily removed your hand and pinned it down with his own.
"Some highlights I can remember are, 'when he leans back and stretches, his jawline pops out and I want to pounce on him' another, 'I just know his dick is massive. It's so big. I want it in me now'" He finished. You were so red at this point that a tomato would be in awe of you. Tom apparently felt bad, because seconds later you were being hugged tightly.
"I thought you were pretty hot at the time too, it's all good. If it makes you feel any better, I remember telling Jerry that you were the only woman in the world that I would let fuck me in the ass." He continued. Your head shot up. Intriguing.
"Really?-" Tom cut you off.
"Would, not will." He asserted. You nodded and leaned back into his embrace.
"Sorry for going through your stuff. That wasn't alright." He whispered into your ear. You shook your head.
"Water under the bridge, handsome." You said, kissing his cheek tenderly.

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