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*slightly smutty at the end*

You woke up with Tom on top of you, as usual. You immediately felt the effects of last nights activities. Your head was throbbing and the brightness of the sun coming through the window made the throbbing even worse. You groaned and shifted, a wave of nausea hitting you at full force. Tom grunted, stirred by your lurch of sickness. You quickly stumbled up and out of bed when you felt bile rising in your throat. You ran to the bathroom, the pain in your head causing your ears to ring and your vision to blur. You reached the bathroom toilet just in time to hurl intensely into the bowl. You puked on and off for about 5 minutes, leaning your head back on the wall when you caught a break. You heard the stomping footsteps of Tom creep nearer as another wave of puke hit you. Tom stumbled in and crashed down, his back up against the bathtub. You felt your hair being lifted off of your neck by Tom's large hand. You reached back to pat his leg in a silent thanks as another spurt of vomit hit the toilet water. When you thought you might be finished, you sat up and looked over at Tom. The man looked positively green with sickness. His hair was plastered to his forehead with sweat. His eyes were mostly closed, his lips drained of color. He looked very unwell, to s the least. You leaned over to him and rested your throbbing head on his chest, collapsing onto his body in exhaustion. He smelled like alcohol, but his cologne still remained from the night before. The familiar smell helped calm your nausea. You felt Tom's body convulse under you, and you knew that it was time for you to comfort him in his sickness. Tom gently lifted you off him and crashed down onto the toilet. You heard his puke splatter onto the water. You rubbed his freckled back as he continued to empty himself. He apparently finished and collapsed his back onto your chest. You wrapped your arms around him and let your head fall back onto the edge of the tub.
"God I feel like shit." You groaned. Tom panted and wiped a bead of sweat from his forehead.
"Do you remember last night?" He muttured. You shook your head.
"Not really. Just that we were practically kicked out of two different venues." You asserted. Tom huffed and turned so that his chest was flush against yours.
"God dammit." Tom murmured into the flesh of your breast. You kissed his sweaty forehead softly.
"You gonna puke again?" You asked. Tom shrugged.
"No? I don't think so." Tom answered. You nodded and helped him up to his feet, stumbling a bit from the dizziness that came with standing up hungover. You and Tom walked arm and arm down to the couch, and collapsed onto it, your head buried in the crook of his neck. It was kind of a mess. You were both sweating up a storm, nauseous, and panting. Probably didn't smell or look great either. Still, considering that Tom was there to hold you through it, it now took the top spot as your favorite hangover thus far. Tom ran his fingers through your hair. You snuggled into his body, bringing a leg up to wrap around his torso. You fell asleep again like that, both passing out from the blistering headaches you were dealing with. You were awoken by the ringing of the doorbell. You rubbed your eyes and sat up, happy to find yourself feeling well enough to successfully stand up and walk over to the door. You grabbed one of Tom's trench coats and wrapped it around you body, as you were only clad in a slinky little nightgown. You yawned and opened the door to find Jerry Rubin grinning wildly at you, pot of flowers in hand. You immediately yelped and ran into his arms, jumping up and down in excitement.
"Jerry!" You cried, planting an affectionate kiss on his cheek. Jerry laughed and spun you around cheerily. He set you down and gestured to the pot in his right arm.
"Housewarming gift?" He piped up. You softly gasped and gently took the flowers from him.
"Aw Jerry they're lovely. Thank you so much." You told him, giving him a grateful squeeze on the arm. You led him inside and set the flowers on top of the kitchen counter. You leaned back on the counter as Jerry marveled at the beauty of the house. He turned to look at you with widened eyes.
"This is a really groovy place ya got here." He told you. You smiled at him as you walked over to open the kitchen window, attempting to let some cool air in from the outside. You were still quite sweaty. Jerry walked into the kitchen and gave you a lingering look.
"You okay y/n? Ya don't look so good." Jerry wondered, heading forward and pressing the back of his palm to your forehead. You chuckled and shook your head.
"Hungover. Tom's still sleeping." You affirmed. Jerry made an "ah" sound and sat down on one of the satin barstools. You went through the cabinets and found a bowl, poured some cereal in it, and took your place next to Jerry.
"I completely forgot to ask, what the heck are you doing in New York?" You asked Jerry. Jerry cocked his head and grabbed an unexcused handful of your cereal.
"They found me in Colorado. Had to fly in early this morning. I'm staying with Abbie and a couple of other guys for the time being." He said simply. You nodded.
"Abbie's here full time?" You inquired. Jerry sighed and nodded.
"He's not doin so hot y/n. I wouldn't take anything he says seriously right now. He hasn't been himself." Jerry told you. You paused and bit your lip. You couldn't help but worry about Abbie. After all, he was a close friend in a tough situation. And Jerry was right, he was definitely acting quite differently as of late.
"Is he um- is it like- druggy stuff?" You asked. Jerry tensed his jaw.
"Yeah. Um- yeah he's been getting into some weird stuff. It's been making him spazz out and do weird stuff. It started when Bernie died and hasn't stopped since." Jerry informed. You sighed and buried your face in your hands.
"Are you guys trying to get him treatment or anything?" You asked Jerry, wiping a bit of sleep out of your eyes. Jerry inhaled through his teeth and wiped his cold induced runny nose.
"Sure, yeah we have. He won't listen to any of us though. You know Ab. If he ever feels he's unsafe, he'll do something about it." Jerry assured you. You nodded and smiled sadly.
"I hope he does something soon. It's hard being without him." You told your friend. Jerry smiled back.
"He misses ya too man. You and Tom. He's just really erratic and unstable right now. He's real sorry. It'll just take a while for him to get back to normal, ya know?" Jerry spoke softly. You scrunched your nose and rubbed your temples, trying your best to soothe the pounding in your head.
"I'm gonna grab Tom. He'll want to see you." You told Jerry, hopping down from the barstool. Jerry smiled and took another handful of your cereal. Without asking. You grimaced and stumbled over to the living room, where Tom lay sound asleep on the couch. You stopped by the stair railing, simply leaning onto it and watching him for a moment in his peacefulness. His hair was falling in gentle ringlets into his eyes. His face was still pale and sickly looking, but there was a gentle flush to his cheeks that wasn't there this morning. You slowly walked up to him and kneeled down by his face, brushing his hair out of his eyes. You couldn't help but blush at the sheer beauty before you. His face was perfect to you, in every way. His hooded eyelids, his slightly bulbous nose, long mouth. You couldn't believe your luck. You closed your eyes and tenetively leaned over to press a kiss to his full mouth. You felt his eyelashes brush your forehead as they opened, revealing sleepy green eyes.
"Wow, even uglier than I remember." Tom mumbled. You smiled and caught him in another kiss. He delicately brought a hand up to rest on your cheek as you moved your lips together. You pulled away when you felt him smile into the kiss.
"Feeling better?" You inquired. Tom looked up and crinkled his brows in thought.
"Hm, slightly." He muttured. You grabbed his hand and placed it under your chin.
"Guess what." You whispered. Tom widened his eyes sarcastically.
"What?" He replied.
"Jerrys in the kitchen." You announced. Tom's eyes lit up at the mention of his friend's name. He grimaced and pushed himself upright to a sitting position, and slowly let you help him as he rose to his feet, wobbling a bit from his alcoholic lack of hydration. You wrapped a plaid blanket around his shoulders, covering up his bare form, and placed a hand on his back as you walked into the kitchen. Jerry eagerly hopped down from the barstool when you re-entered.
"Tom!" He squealed, pulling the blanketed man into a large hug. Tom chuckled and rested his head atop Jerry's. There was about a foot of height between them.
"Hi Jer." Tom huffed, pulling out of the hug. You smiled as Tom walked over to lean back on the counter, rubbing bouts of sleep from his eyes. You tried to stay away from him, tried not to cling to him like the girl with a crush you were, but it was no use. After attempting to stay on the other side of the room for 30 seconds, you shyly walked over and crawled under his blanket, wrapping your arms around his bare middle. He placed his chin atop your head and wrapped a lazy arm around your shoulders. Suddenly, you felt another set of arms around you. You heard Tom chuckle as Jerry enveloped you and Tom in a calming hug. The 3 of you had a fun night, chatting and discussing Christmas plans. You decided that you would try and have a get together with Abbie if he were better come Christmas Eve. If not, maybe Jerry could just come over. He stayed for about 3 hours, then bid the two of you goodbye. You were struggling most of the time that he was there, because Tom was looking mighty fine all curled up in his blanket and it was more than you could handle not to pounce on him like a cat in heat. When Tom closed the door on Jerry, you were immediately on him. You tangled your fingers in his sandy hair and pushed the blanket off of him exposing his toned body. You mouthed kisses across his chest as your hand palmed him through his boxers. He was surprised by your intense eagerness, but judging by the steady whines that were escaping his mouth, you were sure he didn't mind. You trailed kisses back up to his neck and began to lick and suck the skin there. He clawed at your back with desperate hands and craned his neck lustfully, giving you more access to his pale neck. When your teeth became involved with his skin, he began to grab handfuls of your hair and rut into your leg. You then detached your mouth from his neck, earning a complaining whine from Tom. His body jolted happily when you began kissing him passionately on the mouth, shoving him into a nearby wall rather roughly. Again, judging by the way his body reacted to your relentlessness, he seemed to be enjoying it. Tom panted and moaned as you bit and sucked at his neck once again.
"Y/n, I-" Tom moaned. You paused and pulled away, looking deeply into his eyes. The desperate ness in his gaze made you feel rather cocky. You liked making him feel this way. He was so needy. So beautiful.
"Did you say something Tom?" You sneered, a smirk spreading across your lips. Tom bit his lip and ground his hips into your leg. You almost moaned when you felt his prominent bulge hit your lower stomach, but stopped yourself. You liked the dynamic you had going on right now. It was time for you to make him moan.
"If you'd like me to do something, I'm gonna need you to ask for it Tommy." You hissed, tipping his chin to meet your gaze whenever he would try to look away. Tom just looked at you, his eyes hooded and his pink lips parted deliciously.
"Y/n, I need- I- please." He panted, his eyebrows crinkling in want. You tutted and brought a hand to his throat, slightly closing around it. He squinted his eyes shut in concentration, writhing against the wall like a slut.
"Try again, dear." You chuckled. He nodded and darted out his tongue to wet his puffy lips.
"I-I need your- your mouth." He whispered, trembling against you. You smirked, almost satisfied.
"Where?" You inquired. Tom bit his lip and tried to break the eye contact, quickly being pulled back to meet your gaze by your knowing fingers.
"Tom?" You whispered. Tom gave you a pleading look, then cleared his throat.
"Uh- down- um- down there, uh- please." Tom stuttered. You smiled with pride, leaning forward to bite his earlobe.
"Good boy." You hissed into his ear. You felt him shudder at your words.
"Please." He whimpered. You sighed and began to trail kisses down his body, letting your tongue dart out to languidly stroke his skin every so often. His grip on your hair tightened each time you did. You were now lowered to your knees, looking up at him with your best puppy eyes. He was too turned on to even comprehend anything you were doing at this point. Blind with need. You reached his underwear and swiftly pulled them down. His cock sprung up immediately, hitting you in the face, then resting against his stomach. You smirked as you took him into your mouth.
"Ah-ah y/n" he whimpered, grabbing onto the back of your head to direct you. You moan as you suck him, unbelievably aroused by his needy little moans and whimpers. It always gives you such a high to please Tom.
"Please more" he begged, pulling your hair closer to him. You used harsher sucking motions, looking up at him to make sure he liked it. You could tell he did by his sharp intake of air, mouth wide open. Soon enough, he's grinding himself into your mouth, making soft moans. The sight of him panting your name had you wet as well.
"I think im close. You're doing so good. Please k-uhmn-keep going" he whined. You moaned in response and sped up. You decided to grab his balls with your right hand, softly massaging them. As you predicted, that got him fired up and he hit his climax. He doubled over onto your body, using your head as a means of balance as he lost himself into your mouth. Tom leaned on you, breathing heavily as you swallowed his load. You then swiftly wiped your mouth and got to your feet. Tom stood there gawking at you, bare naked and impossibly flustered.
"W-what was that for." He stammered, barely able to keep eye contact with you. You chuckled and pulled his pants up for him.
"Just thought we'd christen the house." You giggled. All of the sudden, you felt yourself being scooped up bridal style. Tom looked down at you, a new wave of lust in his eyes.
"I don't think quite counts." He sneered with a cocky wink. You blushed and wrapped your arms around his neck.
"Wanna do it for real?" You asked. Tom smirked and carried you up the stairs.

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