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3 months prior

His shoes squeaked against the softly carpeted floor, muffling his footfalls in the eerie stillness of the night. The estate, entranced in a heavy slumber, provided no light for him to navigate its vast corridors. He didn't need them, of course, for he lived here every summer when he wasn't at the boarding school or travelling around Europe. A lone light washed over to him from under the space of the door of the study, and he quickened his steps, not bothering to be stealthy about his arrival.

The boy tugged warily on the door handle, and ushered himself into the room without knocking. He gazed up to the expectant figure sat in the armchair behind the desk, and found himself startled by the presence of two more. His heart raced, and sweat pooled at the back of his neck. There was a lone reason on why she could be here, and the currents of consternation were overwhelming. He dug his thumb into his index finger sharply to be reminded of the severity of the current situation, and forced a guarded smile upon his face.

The queen of Sweden had replaced where his mother was supposed to be sitting, and was adjusting the collar of her navy blazer beside the stiffly stood royal councillor. He swiftly considered his next course of action, and decided on keeping his hands together in front of him and acknowledging her with a curtsy nod of his head. He kept his eyes away from his mother's lined face, anticipating her disappointment and irritation omitting in the silent confines of the room.

"August." Queen Kristina surveyed her eyes over him, unapologetically taking in his tousled dark hair and the loose pyjama bottoms paired with an old grey t-shirt. He thought he saw her nose flaring at the sight of his casualness, and begged himself to stay calm despite the pit of his stomach knotting.

His smile faltered slightly as he glanced towards his mother, eyes blunt and lips pressed together in distaste. As if she had informed him of the royal highness' arrival beforehand, and he had let her down. "I apologise dearly for the casual attire. I didn't know your majesty would be present this late in our residence." He said carefully and hoped it was good enough.

Was he ever good enough?

Queen Kristina cleared her throat, drummed her nails on the table for a brief second before standing up. "You see, after what happened with my son at Hillerska, I haven't properly discussed the situation with you." She held up a hand as he opened his mouth, continuing. "But I'm not here to punish you if that's what you're thinking."

The wind settled only slightly in his chest, and the diplomatic smile was fading as despondence crept in. He thought of the manifold events that had crumbled in his life, redolent of his father's death. If the grave, pressing issue of him ruining the entire royal family wasn't the topic up for castigation, then the ineffable turn of this meeting was impossible to predict.

The silence of the room returned, and it was his mother who broke it.

"You didn't travel this far to pardon him, did you?"

A shake of the solemn head. "No."

Get on with it. August egged petulantly, the words in his throat only audible to himself.

"Wilhelm is returning to Hillerska late summer for the new school year."

His attention, previously diverged, was focused entirely on her now. "I - I mean I'm pleased to hear that. Hillerska is good for him-"

She doesn't wait for him to finish. "I'm willing to look past what you have done to him, but I'm not sure he will."

August averted his eyes to the floor. The room was stuffy with July's heat, making it hard to breathe, and he desperately wanted to open a window. His conscience was plagued with the prince's disbelieving face as he found out his own perfidious cousin was the perpetrator who sliced his life into pieces. August had ruined not only Prince Wilhelm's image, personal life, and also smeared a trial of embarrassment pertaining to the Swedish royal family. The queen had personally secured his expenses at the school when his own family was unable to conjure up the fees, and in early May, received an invoice and letter confirming his return for the final year.

"I want you to make sure he's going to be okay." She smoothed down her mahogany hair, fixating her gaze onto the bookshelves lining the wall. They were his father's. "Don't let him get into any more trouble."

He fumbled for words, relief springing to his unsettled mind. August snuck a glance at his mother, and found her face wiped of expression, inscrutable and reticent. "I vow to do my best to fulfil that role, I won't disappoint you again."


The room waited for the queen to speak up again, but the placid quietness was undisturbed. The bright table lamp illuminated the intricate study, warm teacups on the table, a half-opened book sprawled face-down beside it. Great Expectations by Charles Dickens.

"When Erik died, I didn't Wilhelm had a chance."

She paused, and exhaled. "But things keep happening, and I'm unsure of his future. The future of our country. It makes me wonder, is Prince Wilhelm truly capable?"

August fumbled to answer. "I think with two more years at-"

The queen held up her hand to stop him, and she looked exhausted. "Hypothetically, if he can't fulfil the role, you're next in line for succession."

He held back a laugh. "Me?"

"My royal councillor will sit down with you tomorrow morning to cover the protocol." Queen Kristina watched his face carefully, and choked out a barely suppressed laugh. "You're not going to be a prince, August." She almost appeared derisive, but her smile was conciliatory. "As I said, this just is a simple hypothetical scenario, and this is only standard procedure."

"Of course," his voice was bitter.

"If Wilhelm gets in any trouble this year at Hillerska, I won't say what the consequences are... but let's just say, your future isn't bright with my interference."

August glanced at his mother for support, but she was looking away.

The queen flashed a diplomatic smile. "Have a good evening."

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