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It's a shame the mask isn't enough to obscure the entirety of my face, but it's working to conceal the turbulent emotions rocking in my chest. The moment has passed, and I turn back to the group, clinking my drink with theirs in celebration of the night. I have nothing to celebrate, and the grand hall is so stuffy that I want to escape outside for a breath of fresh air.

"You want to get a picture together?" Colin speaks from beside me, and I register his wavy blond hair and light eyes in the candlelight lit atmosphere. He's a year below me, and we hung out in the common room a couple of times before Wilhelm had returned to Hillerska. If he has heard things about me from the other's, he didn't show it. As far as anything, I enjoyed his cheery company. He's observant and withdrawn like Wilhelm, and I wonder if I'm simply searching for a piece of him in Colin.

Mastering a smile, I lean in as he takes his phone out. "Sure!"

After a few photos, he takes a drink. "We haven't hung out much lately. You're always with the prince."

Heat appears on my cheeks, but I'm glad no one can see it beneath the mask. "I guess so."

"You guys old friends?"

"I guess you can say that."

In the corner of my eye, the photographer is directing Wilhelm and Felice to the dance floor. Fighting my curiosity, I can't help but stare in his direction, catching glimpses of him between the river of people.

Wilhelm reaches in and kisses her.

It's so sudden that it knocks the wind out of me, and roaring jealousy roams in my body otherwise unseen before. His hands cupped her face the way I'm familiar with, and there's no doubt the camera is snapping away at the embrace. He has said tonight's for a PR stunt, but then why did he have to kiss her? Did he want to? Did he enjoy it?

"I need to get some fresh hair." I can't stand them any longer. Pulling on my tie roughly, I step clear out of the group's way and towards the giant double doors. My hands are shaking violently, and the cacophony of sound in the great hall is muffled against my ears.

Why am I overreacting?

It's nothing, and he told me the night would be nothing. It's all for a publicity stunt, he assured me a few days prior. Just a few photos, and I'll find you when I'm done. Yet why is it affecting me so much? It's Felice, and he has never been into her, ever. It's not like he wants to kiss her, right? It'll be just like me kissing cardboard, I won't enjoy it.

I veer off into a side corridor empty of people, and lean against the wall as I focus on my breathing.




What the fuck?

"Are you alright?"

Glancing up, I'm staring directly into the face of the last person I want to see right now. With his mask in his hand, August weighs his eyes over my shaken state and nods to himself, as if he knows what has happened.

"Go away," I tell him, embarrassment springing up to my cheeks.

"This might come as a shock, but I feel the same way." He adjusts the collar of his shirt, and crosses his arms. "When he and Felice kissed while I was dating her last year, it was like a fucking stab to the heart. Seeing it happen again, I won't say I feel as strongly as I did, but it's not pleasant."

"What?" I try to suppress my surprise. "They've kissed before? Last year?"

"Didn't he tell you?" August's face radiates concern and sympathy, and I'll almost believe it if it's on someone other than him. "I always thought you guys were open about things."

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