twenty six

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"Are you seriously looking at pictures of Milan in my class right now?"

Jerking my gaze sharply away from the laptop screen, I'm immediately gripped by a wave of guilt and embarrassment. Meeting Mr Persson's eyes, I'm aware of the other fifteen pairs staring in my direction. Even though I chose a discreet spot in the computer room, he still managed to sneak up on me while I'm completely absorbed in the scenery of Italy.

"I know this trip is worth the excitement, but we're in class, not in your living room after school," he starts pacing, and I groan inaudibly at the lectures which promptly follows. "At Hillerska, we hold the highest degree of self-discipline. If I catch anyone doing something they're not supposed to do, and yes I'm looking at you, Mr Eriksson-", my friends snicker at the mention of my name. "Let me make this very clear to you, I won't hesitate to kick you off the program. Now close that tab and keep coding, I want your programs ready by Friday."

My mouse hovers over the tab, and I click it close, feeling slightly awkward for reasons unrelated to being caught by Mr Persson, the computing teacher. It's the bubbling excitement and the sliver of hope of being in a new country, and with Wilhelm, travelling to foreign places rid of expectations and judgements. I never thought I'd travel much before graduating, but this opportunity is golden.

For once, I'm almost, almost glad that the queen had threatened me with a heavy load of bribes. It's been nothing but plastering joyous smiles onto my mom and sister's faces, and opening many more doors of opportunities I would've never have dreamt of. Even though Wilhelm and I have to sneak around, it's not like we haven't been doing that for the past few months anyway.

I find myself drifting into an abyss of romanticising the future, bathing in the undercurrents of anticipation. It's uncanny to feel assured and sound about what's coming, I guess I've just been met with too many surprises and disappointments to expect anything else.

What am I doing? I should be rejecting the possibilities as much as possible, blocking the image of the blatant fantasies, protecting myself from disappointment. The day progresses with the same strange longing. I'm mostly distracted, floating through classes and mealtimes in a daze.

By dinner, I've browsed through a million different probabilities, and an odd smile is present on Wilhelm's face as he sits opposite of me as usual. Despite our supposed breakup, we cease to care in our own hall, knowing that the boys rarely blink an eye at our affection anymore.

"So, how was your day?" I ask, reflecting his good-natured smile as I stab my fork into my food.


I'm elated at his carefree happiness. "Tell me about it."

"I went to the headmistress earlier-" there's a conspicuous glint in his eye, "-and she approved our application."


"Turns out being the prince of Sweden does have certain privileges," the words are honey when it flies out of his lips. "Okay, I mean she did tell me to maybe stop leaving things to the last minute. She said things will be last minute, but we aren't that late. I may have hinted at a new library."

"Wille!" I groan, but can't help and crack up a laugh. "You're the most horrible person I've ever met."

He tilts his head. "Fine, I'll let her know you changed your mind."

I can't help but wonder if things are becoming too good to be true.

"We're supposed to be inconspicuous. What would your mom think when she learns that both of us are going on the Italy trip at the last minute?" I blurt out, knowing that I'm spoiling the pleasant mood that we were both in.

Wilhelm rolls his eyes at my worries, appearing completely unaffected by my frustrated comment. "She doesn't care that much, you know?"

"Oh," I'm surprised by the sudden turn of the conversation, and hurry to revive our previous excitement. "So, you know the thing with school trips... you got to share a room with a friend or two."

Wilhelm looks up from his plate, and a faint smirk is evident on his face. "Perfect, I'll go with Joel."

I direct my gaze up to where the boy that Wilhelm hangs out with during school times sits, and he's attempting to pull the chair out from underneath his friend. Biting back a laugh, I shrug offhandedly. "Okay."

"You're not jealous?"

"Not one bit."

"But I'm the prince," Wilhelm emphasises. "You should be."

"You just want me to say it, don't you?"

His expression is painted innocent. "Say what?"

"Oh please, Prince Wilhelm, will you please be my dutiful roommate for the trip instead of that lowly commoner?"

"Perfect, I love it when you're begging. And yes, I shall."

I resist the urge to hurl the potato on my fork towards his face. "I'm about to change my mind."

"It's not like we haven't slept in the same bed." He glances away, his face tinting a shade of cherry as if reminded of the memories. "It's not like we haven't done anything we're going to do."


Simon's mixtape

by Wilhelm.

 He is half of my soul, as the poets say.

Could cry just thinkin about you  - Troye Sivan

Where's my love - SYML

Ends of the earth - Lord Huron

Kiss me - Ed Sheeran

In luv with u - Finn

From the dining table - Harry Styles

Hold on - Chord Overstreet 

Visions of gideon - Sufjan Stevens

Where'd all the time go? - Dr.Dog

Revolution - Elias


a/n: nearly 50k reads!! so grateful.

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