Chapter 1- The Least Liked Prince

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Tommy POV

Tommy groaned, rubbing his eyes.

"Will you pay attention Prince Tommy?" a voice made him jump. 

His teacher hovered over him, a sharp glare in his eyes. Tommy bit his lip, his head hanging low. He slowly nodded, causing the teacher to return to the lesson.

The blonde tried to pay attention, he really did. But it was nearly impossible to pay attention when everything else seemed so much more interesting. The time ticked by and Tommy felt the relief wash over him when he was dismissed. He could finally go somewhere he was liked.

He gathered up his books, trying to ignore the hard glare the teacher was burning in the back of his head. He quickly left the room, steering towards his own chambers. The quicker, the less likely he would run into anyone. 

Tommy looked up, smiling as he saw his older brother come into view. Maybe today was the day he would actually act like Tommy existed. Tommy waved, smiling slightly.

Wilbur, who clearly saw it, rolled his eyes, completely turning to walk the other way. 

Tommy sighed, the hurt adding to the cracks that already lined his heart. He turned towards his door, opening it and slipping inside.

His room was nothing special, at least compared to his family's rooms. He didn't want to cause any trouble so he simply took what was left over. The smallest room, the scratched desk, the creaky chair. 

Still he was the most unliked, like always. He just didn't understand why. Why didn't his older brothers and father love him the way they loved each other? He had spent his life trying to undo any wrong he had done, but it didn't help. Because he didn't do anything wrong, they just hated him for the sake of hating him. 

Tommy knew it was more than that, but decided to just give up on fighting it. Instead he simply hoped that one day it would all turn around, that he would have the love that he wanted. He didn't even know if that day would ever come.

He set his books down, looking towards the window. At least he could go somewhere where he was actually wanted, maybe even loved.

Tommy quickly slipped out of his royal clothes and into less formal attire. He smiled, enjoying how much more comfortable the clothes were. He clipped his cloak around his neck before moving towards the window.

Without really thinking about it he climbed out of the window and into a nearby tree. He had done it so many times it happened practically mindlessly. He dropped to the ground, looking back up to make sure no one had heard him.

Then he ran towards the woods and towards the town. The town was small, but lively, filled with markets and village houses. Tommy loved every part of it, but most of all loved one house in particular.

He walked towards a house that was at the end of the street. He softly knocked on the door, smiling as he heard the sound of footsteps.

The door slid open, revealing a taller blonde with green eyes. "Tommy!" he exclaimed, a bright smile on his face.

"Hey Dream!" Tommy grinned. Dream pulled him into a hug, knowing how much Tommy appreciated them. Tommy hugged back before letting go. "Is Tubbo here?"

"Yup, he's in his room. You can head up there." Dream ruffled his hair, earning a grin from the blonde.

Tommy took his boots off before entering the house. He walked up the stairs, stopping at a door with a large T on it. He knocked, calling, "Big T, you in there?"

The door opened, revealing a smiling Tubbo. "Tommy!" he was quick to pull the blonde into a hug, grinning from ear to ear. He pulled back, meeting his eyes. "I didn't think you would ever get here!"

Tommy chuckled, "Yeah, lessons went a little long."

"That's alright! You're still in time for dinner!" It was normal for Tommy not to be home for dinner. None of the royals ever ate together, so they never really noticed his absence until nighttime.

"What's Niki making tonight?" he questioned, curious.

"Chicken pot pie!" Tubbo exclaimed, very excited. "And guess what? She made her famous cookies for dessert!"

Tommy's eyes lit up. "Really?"

"Yeah! I saw her making them earlier!" 

Tommy could practically hear his stomach growling at Tubbo's words. Dinner with Tubbo's family was his favorite part of the day. It when he felt appreciated for once.

Tommy and Tubbo hung out for an hour before Niki called them down for dinner. Tommy and Tubbo sat next to each other, like they always did, with Ranboo on Tubbo's other side and Dream on Tommy's.

Tommy immediately dug into the delicious food, savoring every bite.

Dream chuckled. "Like it?"

"I love it!" Tommy exclaimed, covering his mouth to prevent bits of food from spitting everywhere.

Niki exchanged a glance with Dream before looking towards the blonde. "Did you eat today?"

Tommy shook his head. "Lessons went long today, I didn't really have time."

Niki sighed, "You should eat more Toms. I'm worried about you."

"I still have your amazing cooking." Tommy grinned.

"Tommy, you're practically all skin and bones." Fundy added.

Tommy sighed, putting his fork down. "I'm not allowed to eat with my family and I don't want to inconvenience the cooks by making extra food for me."

Ranboo rolled his eyes, grumbling. "That's ridiculous. You should be allowed to eat with your own family."

Tommy shrugged. "I have you guys at least."

Niki smiled at him, nodding. "You can come here whenever you want."

"Or whenever you need." Dream added, glancing at his sister.

That evening Tommy made his way back, climbing back up the tree and into his window. He slipped into his pajamas before climbing into bed. He figured going to bed early was the best way to stay out of trouble. 

He sighed, closing his eyes. He repeated to himself the same thing every night. It was the only thing that kept his hope alive.

"One day closer to being loved."


Hope you liked it!

This is one of the three books I have planned, so don't worry there's more coming!! 

Hope you all have a wonderful day!


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