Chapter 8- My Little Brother

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Wilbur POV

Wilbur stood there for a moment after Tommy left his sight. He was frozen in his thoughts. He couldn't remember the last time Tommy had called him Wilby. 


Techno's voice snapped him out of his thoughts. "Are you okay?"

"He called me Wilby... just like he used to when we younger..." His eyes were wide as the realization hit him. Was he the same Tommy from all those years ago?

Before it happened?

"Wilby! Wilby!"

Wilbur looked up, seeing the energetic child race into his room. "What is it Toms?" he asked, standing up and moving his guitar to the side. He set his notebook down, the one that held his newest songs.

The young blonde grinned up at him. "Will you play for me? Please? Please? Pleaseeeee?"

Wilbur chuckled, amused by how much Tommy liked his music. It made him so happy that he could bring a smile to his brother's face.  "I don't know.... you might not like my new song..." his voice trailed off.

"I will! I will! I promise!" Tommy exclaimed, the spark never leaving his bright blue eyes.

"Hmmmmmm..." Wilbur thought for a moment, teasing his little brother.

"Pretty please?" Tommy showed his puppy eyes, his bottom lip wobbling ever so slightly. "I'll love you forever!"

Wilbur laughed, "You don't already love me forever?"

"I do! I do!" the younger exclaimed.

"Will I be your favorite brother?" Wilbur questioned curiously, deciding to use this to his advantage.

"Yes! Yes!" Tommy shouted. "Now will you play for me?" 

Wilbur rolled his eyes, finally giving in to the boys demands. "Alright, but only because you've been patient."

"Yes!" Tommy's face lit up. It was amazing how he could never get bored of his brother's music. No matter what, he was always so mesmerized by it.

"Alright, sit down. You're making me nervous." Wilbur patted his bed, assuming the boy would simply sit next to him.

"Okay!" Tommy agreed, jumping up to sit next to him. He scooted closer, wanting to be as close as possible to his big brother.

"Any requests?"

"My favorite! Do my favorite!" Tommy immediately yelled, his excitement getting the better of him.

"Hmmmm.... what's your favorite?" Wilbur asked teasingly.

"Our song Wilby! You know the one!" 

"Ohhhh! That song. Okay, I think I know which one you're talking about." the brunette chuckled, adjusting his guitar in his hand.

Tommy crawled into Wilbur's bed, making sure to get comfortable as he always did. He buried himself under blankets before looking at Wilbur expectedly.

"Tommy don't lay on my bed."

"Why not?" the blonde looked at him with innocent eyes.

Wilbur chuckled, already knowing he had lost the battle before he even started it. "Because you're going to fall asleep! And you'll take up all the room!"

"No I won't! I'm not even tired!" Tommy exclaimed, shaking his head forcefully.

"Uh huh." Wilbur shook his head, a smile on his face. He watched as Tommy yawned, attempting to cover it up behind blankets.

"Just play!"

Wilbur sighed, beginning to strum the guitar. It was the first song he had ever written, something he had written just for Tommy. It was back when Tommy would get terrible nightmares.

"Blonde hair, blue eyes

My little brother, my pride

I'll love him until the day I die.

So sweet, so bright

My little gremlin, my light

I'll love him until the day I die.

I'll keep him safe, so sound

My baby brother, my spark

I'll protect him until the day I die.

So talented, so skilled

I can't help but be so proud

I'll protect him until the day I die.

My sweet little brother

My little gremlin

My Spark, my Toms."

Wilbur strummed the final note, allowing the instrument to ring out. He glanced towards Tommy who was, of course, snoring in his bed just like he had predicted. He sighed, shaking his head. Slowly he put away his guitar, taking extra careful not to wake his tired brother.

He crept into bed, making sure they were both covered with blankets. Tommy moved closer to him, mumbling sleepily. "Good night Wilby."

Wilbur felt his heart melt. He pulled Tommy closer to him, making sure he could protect him from his nightmares. "Good night little brother." he whispered into his golden hair. 

"I'll protect you until the day I die."

"What?" Techno stared at him in confusion. "What did you say?"

Wilbur shook his head, tears beginning to form in his eyes. He broke his promise. 

"I-I broke my promise... I hurt him!" 

He closed his eyes.

What kind of a big brother was he?


Hope you liked it!

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Hope you have a wonderful day!


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