Chapter 16- That Night

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"Do you have to go?" the older boy pouted, looking towards the younger blonde.

"Yes Wilbur." the woman smiled, kneeling down in front of him. "But you'll see us in a few days, when we're all safe."

"But I won't be able to protect Tommy." Wilbur looked down sadly.

The woman chuckled, "Don't worry Wil. It's my turn to protect him for a few days. Then you can take your job back." She gently cupped his cheek.


"But you'll protect Techno right?" 

"Yeah!" Wilbur promised, his glassy eyes drying. 

"That's my boy." she said, kissing his forehead.

A man came from the castle gates, a crown gleaming from his head. A young boy trailed behind him, looking around nervously. "Dream will meet you at the border." the man told her, kissing her on the cheek.

"I look forward to meeting him." the queen smiled, picking up Tommy.

"Be safe my love." Phil looked at her sadly.

"We will be." Kristen promised. 

A knight helped her into the carriage, bowing. Kristen sat down, placing Tommy in her lap. She waved to her children and her husband as the horses began pulling.

Several other carriages took off around her, all mirroring the one she was in. She held Tommy close to her, knowing this would be the scariest part of the trip. Once they made it to the meeting point they would be safe.


"Hmmm?" she hummed, looking down at the child.

"Where are we going?" Tommy bit his lip, looking around with panic.

Kristen sighed, "We're not safe in the castle right now Toms. So we're going to some place safe for both of us."

"Oh." the blonde leaned closer to her. Kristen didn't hesitate to wrap her arms around the boy.

"Don't worry, I'll keep you safe." she promised. She began humming her song, hoping to calm him down.

The carriage carried on peacefully through the night. Tommy fell asleep, still cuddled close to her. Kristen continued glancing out the window, hoping no one would be there. Let us get there safely, she prayed.

Suddenly the carriage took off, like it was trying to run away from something. Tommy woke up, immediately bursting into tears.

"Shhh, shhh." she whispered. 

"What's happening?" the boy sobbed.

"We're okay, we're okay. I'll keep you safe." she spoke gently. 

Kristen looked out the window, her eyes widening. A horse galloped along side her, an assassin on it's back. Kristen instantly pulled the curtain down, hoping it would protect them.

There was a scream of pain and the sound of the cutting of rope. The carriage began slowing down, before ultimately coming to a stop.

Kristen held her breath, holding Tommy as close as possible. Whispers came from outside. She had to protect Tommy. She stood up, throwing the cushion off the bench she had been sitting on. Carefully she opened the secret compartment.

She looked at Tommy, tears in her eyes. "I need you to be quiet, okay?" she whispered, gently placing him in the small place. 

Tommy stared at her, his eyes wide. Slowly he nodded.

"I love you so much Toms." she kissed his forehead before carefully placing the wood back. It was slightly open, supplying enough air for the blonde.

Suddenly the door of the carriage was pulled off, making the entire carriage shake. Kristen stood up, glaring at the men.

"Take her."


 POV Dream

Dream raced through the forest, his team on his heels. He had to get there in time, he had to. It seemed like forever before the carriage came into view. He came to a stop when he saw her.

Queen Kristen.

She was lying on the ground, a pool of blood surrounding her. Her eyes were wide open, her expression the same as it had been when she had been killed. Her throat had been slit. George and Sapnap stopped behind him, gasping.

"No." George whispered.

Dream closed his eyes and opened them before walking to the body. He knelt beside her, carefully closing her eyes. "May you rest in peace." he murmured. 

"We failed." Sapnap breathed, shaking his head.

Dream nodded, "We must inform king Philza." 

Suddenly a cry made them both snap up. A child?

Dream raced towards the sound, rushing inside the creaky carriage. Sobs came from under the seat. Slowly the blonde opened the compartment, his eyes widening. 

"Prince Tommy?!"

The blonde burst into tears. "Don't hurt me! Please!"

Dream felt his heart break for the child. "I'm not going to hurt you." he promised. "I'm here to protect you."

"You are?" the little boy whimpered.

"Let's get you out of there." the man held out his hand.

Those blue eyes stared up at him, hesitating. Finally he grabbed the hand, pulling him out of the the crampy space.

Almost instantly the boy hugged him, sobbing. It was like he knew Kristen was gone. Dream could only imagine the horrifying things he must of heard. He wrapped his arms around the young prince, picking him up.

"I'm so sorry Tommy." he whispered, wishing he could have gotten there sooner.

George and Sapnap looked at him, their faces mirroring sadness.

"Prepare Queen Kristen's body." he ordered, pushing the boy's face into his neck. 

The two nodded.

"We must inform King Philza of this tragedy."

That was the last mission Dream ever went on.


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Hope you have a wonderful day!


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