Chapter 13- Searching For The Prince

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Techno POV

Techno sighed, pacing around Tommy's room. His hands were fidgeting, filled with anxiety. Where was Tommy? He glanced towards Wilbur, knowing exactly what he was going to suggest. "Do we really have to go to Phil? He'll get mad... What if he hurts Tommy?" 

"That's why we'll be there." Wilbur reassured him, his eyes burning with determination. "To protect him. To make sure we'll never let him down again."

Techno nodded, agreeing. "Alright."

The two left the room, promising Sam that he wouldn't get in trouble for this. They decided that they would take the blame and leave the knight out of it. 

The duo stood outside Phil's room, glancing at each other.




Tommy POV

"You heard more of the song?" Tubbo questioned, sitting up in bed. Morning shone through the window, haunting Tommy of his promise to Sam.

"Yes... I-I saw her." Tommy said, still shocked. He hadn't seen her in so long. Never in his dreams.

"How long has it been?"

"A long time..." the blonde replied, looking away.

Tubbo sighed, knowing he was talking about a touchy subject. "Sorry Toms." he quickly apologized.

"It's okay." Tommy gave him a small smile.

"You should probably head back home, it's morning." 

Tommy shook his head. "I don't want to go back, please don't make me go back."

"Didn't you say Techno and Wilbur were being nicer?" Tubbo questioned.

"Yes..." Tommy paused. "But it could be a trick or something."

"Or maybe they're becoming better. Maybe they finally realized how awful they've been." Tubbo looked on the bright side, hoping Tommy would do the same like he used to.

"It's not it worth to hope. It only becomes disappointment." Tommy turned away, looking towards the window with sad eyes.

"That's a depressing way to live." 

"I know... Tubbo I just want to be loved! Is that too much to ask for?" the boy's voice shook as the emotions surfaced. Was he really that bad of a person to where he didn't deserve love?

Tubbo sighed. "I know Toms... I love you... and so does Sam, right? What about him?"

Tommy's eyes grew wide with panic. Sam couldn't cover him for that long. "Sam!" he shook his head, filling his chest with guilt. "I don't want him to take the fall."

"So what are you going to do? Are you going to go back?"

"I have to."

Tubbo nodded. "Just be safe, okay? You're always welcome here no matter what."

Tommy smiled gratefully, pulling the smaller boy into a hug. "Thanks Tubs." Tubbo hugged back. The two best friends stood there for a moment before the blonde finally pulled away.

The young prince climbed out the window, waving one last time to the brunette. Then he turned on his heel, heading back into the forest. He weaved through the trees, his heart pounding. He could only hope Sam was okay. It was way past morning. What if he lost his job? Tommy couldn't forgive himself for that.

Tommy shook his head, attempting to clear his overwhelming guilts. The castle came into view, along with his window. Taking a deep breath, he began climbing. He dropped into his room, sighing with relief. Maybe no one noticed he was gone.

"Tommy." a voice came from behind him, making him jump out of his skin.

The boy froze, slowly looking towards the voice. "H-Hey Techno."

Suddenly the door slammed in and Wilbur raced in, his eyes usual cold eyes, panicked. "Techno they-" his eyes widened as they landed on Tommy. "Oh Tommy! Thank God!"

The older rushed forward, pulling a surprised Tommy into a hug. Tommy couldn't remember the last time Wilbur had hugged him. It was the thing Tommy missed the most. No one gives hugs like Wilbur. Hugs that supplied so much warmth and care, that Tommy actually felt safe.

"Hey W-Wilbur." The blonde melted into the hug, burying his face in the crook of Wilbur's neck.

A moment passed before Wilbur pulled back, meeting his blue eyes. "Where have you been?"

"I-I just had to get away." Tommy replied, still attempting to process what had happened. "I didn't want to make you mad anymore..."

"Mad?" Wilbur echoed. "You didn't make us mad! It was that awful teacher that made us mad."

Tommy looked up at him, searching his face for any hint of dishonesty. "You weren't mad at me?"

"Of course not! Why would you think that?" Wilbur asked softly.

Tommy bit his lip, suddenly finding his feet more interesting. "Every time I try to talk to you, you end up yelling at me..."

Wilbur took a deep breath, a look of guilt showing on his face. "Tommy, I'm so sorry for everything. I was absolutely horrible to you... and-and you didn't deserve any of it." Wilbur sighed, wiping a lone tear away. "Can we start over? Can we try to be as close as we once were?"

Tommy looked up at him, a smile spreading through his face. Those were the words he had been dreaming of for so long. Was he finally getting his big brother back? "I love you Wilby." he whispered, smiling up at the older.

Wilbur pulled him into a hug again, holding him close to his heart. "I love you so much Toms."

The moment was short lived when Sam suddenly barged through the door, looking almost as panicked as Wilbur had. "Did you-" he stopped, his eyes landing on the blonde. "Oh thank God!" Sam rushed forward, embracing Tommy. The blonde stiffened before hugging back. The older let go, when he realized what he had done. 

Wilbur glared, jealous that he had taken Tommy. But he said nothing, knowing he had no right.

"Sorry P-"

"It's alright Sam. We're friends, remember?" Tommy smiled up at him, a new found life lighting in his eyes. He stopped, studying the older. "Wait what happened to your armor? Why aren't you wearing it?" he asked.

Sam looked away. "I- uh- have some time off."


Another knight appeared from the open door, calling in. "Prince Tommy, you're presence is requested by the king."

Tommy's blue eyes widened with panic. "You told him?!"

Wilbur grabbed his hand, squeezing it reassuringly. "It'll be alright Tommy, we'll protect you."

Tommy bit his lip, but nodded. He decided to take the risk and trust Wilbur. The two of them followed the knight while Techno stayed back.

The pinkette turned to Sam, a sad look apparent on his face. "You lost your knighthood, didn't you?"

Sam looked away, slowly nodding.

Techno sighed. "I'm so sorry Sam."

"It was worth it, for Toms."


Hope you liked it!

Hope you have a wonderful day!


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