Chapter 6- It's Not Fair

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Tommy POV

Tommy raced through the woods, his blonde hair flying playfully in the wind. As soon as the castle came into view he stopped, knowing something was wrong. 

Guards were running around, seemingly on high alert for something, more likely, someone. Had they finally noticed my absence? 

Techno stopped behind me, coming to stand beside me. He glanced towards the castle, confusion marking his face. "I wonder what all the commotion is about." he commented.

"They probably noticed that two of the princes are missing." he sighed, shaking his head. "At least they probably noticed your absence."

"They're probably looking for you too, I'm sure of it." Techno gave a small smile.

The blonde firmly shook his head, muttering, "Doubt it."

"Come on." Techno began walking back with the younger following. 

The two of them entered the castle, immediately being surrounded by guards. Tommy clung to Techno a bit, a little nervous to face their father. To Tommy's surprise, Techno didn't push him off or tell him to suck it up. Instead, he almost seemed to shield him.

The guards immediately escorted the royals to Phil's chambers. Once they got there, one announced, "Prince Technoblade has been found!"

Tommy felt himself shrink when he realized he had been right. They hadn't even noticed the youngest had snuck out.

Phil burst through the door, immediately pulling Techno into a hug. Techno returned the embrace, glancing sideways at Tommy. The blonde turned to leave, only to be grabbed by Techno. The older kept a firm grip on his arm, destroying any hope of escaping unnoticed.

"Where were you?" Phil demanded, pulling back from the hug. "I was worried sick!"

Techno took a deep breath. "I went after Tommy, to make sure he was okay."

Phil's eyes hardened as he finally took notice of the blonde. "And where did that brat run off to?"

"He's not a brat. He's your son."

Tommy's eyes widened. Techno was defending him? 

"Where did he run off to?" Phil repeated, again sending a glare to Tommy.

"Just the woods." Techno responded.

Phil shook his head. "I expect better from you Thomas." 

Tommy nodded, looking towards his feet. He knew he was about to get punished. He never really seemed to get away with anything.

"From now on, you are to stay in the castle until I see fit." Tommy gasped, opening his mouth to argue before Phil continued. "You are to have a guard with it you at all times who will report to me where you go."

"Father that's not fair!" Tommy erupted as tears threatened to spill down his face. That meant he wouldn't be able to spend any time with Tubbo! How could he ever survive that?

"Maybe you should think before you sneak out of the castle next time!" Phil shouted.

Tommy bit his lip, knowing full well that it was Phil's fault that he had even ran to the woods. If he hadn't been so upset he would have just gone to bed. Knowing he couldn't say that, he yelled, "Well what about Techno? He was out there too!"

Tommy didn't actually want to get Techno in trouble. He simply wanted Phil to see how unfair he was being to Tommy.

"Techno was only out there because of you!" 


"Clearly you are too immature to handle the responsibility to leaving the castle. The way it's looking, you might never leave." Phil threatened, daring Tommy to say one more thing.

Tommy bit his tongue, settling on just glaring at the man.

"I'll send to your room, until then you are to remain in your chambers." the king ordered.

Before Tommy could argue anymore, Techno grabbed him by the shoulder and steered him away from the angry king. Once out of earshot Tommy couldn't hold his anger in.

"This is not fair!" 

Techno sighed, leading him down the hallways. "Unfortunately we can't really do anything about it."

Tommy suddenly stopped, turning to the older. "Why did you defend me back there?"

Techno looked away, seemingly trying to come up with an answer that would satisfy himself and Tommy. 

"It just seemed right."


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