Chapter 14- Defending Tommy

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Tommy POV

Tommy's pace grew slower and slower as the king's office came closer and closer. The only thing that was keeping him from stopping was Wilbur, who still was gripping his hand.

The blonde suddenly pulled back, causing the older to stop and turn towards him. "Tommy we have to..."

"Why did you tell him?"

Wilbur sighed, "You didn't come back in the morning... what if something really bad had happened? Dad needed to know."

Tommy shook his head. "He's just going to yell at me for it. That's all he ever does."

"We'll be with you." a voice came from behind them as Techno joined them.

Tommy bit his lip, looking back up at the door. "Okay. Just don't leave me, okay?"

The brothers nodded, vowing to stay by his side. Tommy reached his hand out, knocking on the door twice. 

Immediately a voice replied, "Come in."

The blonde took a deep breath before pushing the door open. The three siblings moved into the room, all immediately growing uncomfortable. The king sat with his back turned towards them, busy at his desk.

"I only wanted to speak with Tommy." he stated, still not turning towards them.

"We're staying with him." Techno replied, leaving no room for an argument.

Finally Phil turned towards them, standing from his chair. "And why is that? Why are you so keen on suddenly defending him?"

"Because he didn't do anything wrong." Wilbur squeezed Tommy's hand reassuringly, keeping his promise.

"He snuck out after he knew he wasn't allowed to leave." Phil pointed out. "And your knight let you go."

"Don't blame Sam for this, please." Tommy begged.

"I've already spoken to him." 


"From now on Tommy, you are to remain in your room from now on." Phil spoke, his glare glued on Tommy. "The only time you will leave is for practice or for basic necessaries."

"For how long?" Tommy asked, panicked. How long would he have to stay from Tubbo?

"How ever long it takes." the king shrugged.

"And what about the music teacher?" Techno questioned, enraged.

"What about him?"

"He flat out insulted Tommy! He should be fired for the way he treated him!" Wilbur shouted, stepping forward.

"From what I heard, Tommy deserved it." 

"Don't you dare say that!" Techno snapped, stealing a glance at the younger.

"Techno-" Tommy began, not wanting the older to get into trouble. 

"Tommy was wrong to be blamed for everything that happened that day! He's done nothing and we've treated him like garbage for it-"

"You're treading on very thin ice Techno. You know it was Tommy's fault that happened." Phil growled, now glaring towards Techno.

"No it wasn't! You just needed someone to blame and he was the only one there!" 

"Techno, you don't know what you're talking about!" Phil roared.

"I know exactly what I'm talking about! I remember it!" the pinkette snarled. "You need to stop blaming Tommy for your problems!"

"GET OUT!" Phil screamed, panting as the emotions began to show through.

The three brothers left the room quickly, not even sticking around to see if the king was okay. They walked in silence to Tommy's room.

Once they arrived, they sprawled across his bed, trying to process what had happened. 

"Thank you." Tommy finally said, playing with his fingers. "Thank you for defending me."

"Of course." Techno smiled, wrapping an arm around the blonde. "Sorry I didn't do it sooner." He pulled the younger into a side hug, resting his chin on the boy's head.

"At least I have you now." Tommy offered a small smile. He sighed, looking out the window. "It's getting late."

"You should have come home sooner." Wilbur commented.

"I didn't realize how late it got." Tommy crawled out of Techno's embrace and into his bed. 

"You're going to bed already?" Techno raised an eyebrow, knowing Tommy wasn't the type to go to bed early.

"It's not like I can do anything else." the blonde shrugged. "I just want this day to end." The more he slept, the quicker the days would go by. At least he had his brothers for company.

The brothers nodded, standing up.

"Will you stay?"

The two looked towards him in surprise, awing at the request.

"Of course." Wilbur grinned.

Techno, however, got cold feet. "I uh-"

"You're staying Techno." Wilbur commanded.


"You can't get out of it."

Techno sighed, giving up. "Fine."

The two older brothers laid beside Tommy, sandwiching him between the two. Tommy curled up between them, glad he wasn't dreaming. 

"Love you guys." he whispered.

"Love you too Toms."


"I'll be there,

Don't you worry.

I'll keep you safe,

All through the night."

The voice sang through his dreams, offering a feeling of safety.

"Oh my Tommy.

Be strong,

No matter what."


Hope you liked it!

Hope you have a wonderful day!


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