Chapter 9- I Miss Her Too

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Techno POV

Techno sighed, leaning back in the bed. "We both did. We've both been horrible to him."

Wilbur held his head in his hands, as if he truly did realize how horrible he had been. "What of brothers hurt their own blood? We're supposed to protect him, help him through life!" he exclaimed, tearing at his hair.

Techno sighed, slowly nodding. "We hated him for something that wasn't his fault." He closed his eyes. "I wouldn't have been there if it happened again."

Wilbur looked at him in confusion, his eyes glassy. "If what happened again?"

"If they had come after him."

Techno could still remember his heart racing when it happened. He could still feel the sweat dripping down his neck as his eyes met the man's.

"Get away from him." Techno growled, his hand gripping the handle of the sword. 

"One step closer and your poor baby brother is dead." the assassin threatened, holding the blade closer to the boy's neck. Tommy whimpered, trying his hardest to stay away from the dagger.

"I said get away from him." Techno repeated, trying to ignore the panic that filled his chest.

"Techno!" the boy cried out, tears beginning to fall down his face.

"Quiet!" the man snapped, suddenly grabbing Tommy's hair and pulling it. The boy cried out, whimpering.

That moment was enough for Techno to tackle the man to the ground. The man was stronger and bigger, but Techno was determined. Determined to protect his little brother. They struggled for a moment before Techno was thrown off. The man hesitated before running off.

At this point guards were rushing to their side, immediately going after the man.

Techno caught his breath before crawling to Tommy, who was now sobbing on the floor. "Toms? Are you okay?"

"T-Techno!" the blonde whined, tackling him in a hug.

Techno held him close, rubbing his back gently. "Where are you hurt?" he whispered, hoping he wasn't hurt at all.


"Shhh, you're alright Toms. I've got you." the pinkette reassured, trying his best to calm the boy.

Tommy began to ball his eyes out, his words coming out as sobs. He gripped the older's shirt like his life depended on it. "That-t was so-o sc-scary!"

Techno held him closer. "I know, I'm so sorry I didn't get here sooner." He wished he had been closer to the garden instead of training. Then he could of protected Tommy.

Tommy buried his face in Techno's chest, still clinging him.

Techno bit his lip, unable to hide his worry. He wanted to make sure Tommy was okay and the best way to do that was the medic. "Let me go get-" he began, moving to set Tommy down.

Instantly the boy held on tighter. "No!" he shrieked, bursting into more tears. "Don't leave me please!"

"But Tommy-"

"I don't want to get hurt again! Please!" the boy shrieked.

"Tommy don't you want-"

"I just want you." he pleaded. "Please don't leave me."

Techno accepted defeat, bringing Tommy closer into a hug. "Okay."

"He was so young." Wilbur commented, his eyes searching the walls and landing on his guitar. 

"That was... the night before it happened." Techno closed his eyes, trying not to relive the bad memories.

Wilbur wiped a tear out of his eye, shaking his head. "I miss her... God, I miss her so much."

Techno wrapped an arm around the younger, giving him a shoulder to cry on. "I miss her too, Wil." He shook his head.

"I miss her too."


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