Chapter 4- Always An Argument

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Tommy POV

Tommy groaned, slowly opening his eyes. Tubbo shifted beside him, continuing to snore. Tommy chuckled, smiling at his friend. He sat up, looking at the boy's room. 

Bees were a common theme, mixed with a dark green. That was Tubbo's favorite color and he was almost always wearing it. His room had a warm feeling to it, one that Tommy craved more of.

Tommy sighed, glancing back towards his best friend. He knew he should be getting back. He couldn't bring himself to wake the brunette, even if he wanted to talk to him more. He shook his head, he couldn't be selfish.

Carefully he slipped out of bed, making sure to stay silent as to not wake the boy. Pulling on his boots and his cloak, he walked towards the open window. He glanced towards Tubbo once more, wishing he never had to leave. But he knew he didn't have a choice. This wasn't his home, no matter how much he wished it was.

He climbed out of the window, feeling the waking sun creeping up his back. He needed to hurry if he was going to get back before his lessons started. He sprinted towards the forest, enjoying the breeze that played with his hair. He loved the feeling of peace it supplied.

Once he reached the tree beside his window, he began climbing, entering his room. He panted, finally allowing himself to catch his breath. He sighed, closing his eyes for a moment. 

A knock came from his door, making him jump. 

"Hurry up Prince Thomas! You're late!" 

Tommy jumped to his feet, realizing he must have fallen asleep. He slipped into his royal clothes, tossing his crown on his head. He ran out of his room, headed towards the library.

There his teacher stood, tapping his foot impatiently.

"Glad you could make it. Enjoy your extra sleep? Perhaps you'll have energy to do some extra work?" his raised his eyebrow.

Tommy said nothing, his head hanging low. That was the last thing he walked. He sunk into his chair, trying his best to follow what his teacher was saying.

But he couldn't, no matter how hard he tried. All he could think about was what Tubbo and Wilbur had said. Talk to Phil. The question was, would Phil even give him the time of day?

By the end of the lesson Tommy had made up his mind. He decided to test his chances and talk to Phil. He left the library, heading towards his father's office. He could only hope the king was in a good mood.

Tommy softly knocked on the door.

"Come in."

The blonde took a deep breath and pushed the door open. Phil sat at his chair, that was basically his throne. Scrolls were scattered about the desk, making Tommy uncomfortable. What if he was really busy?

"Hey Dad."

Phil looked up, a hard look in his eye. "What is it Tommy? What have you done now?"

Tommy looked down, trying not to feel the pain he felt when he father automatically assumed he had done something wrong. "I haven't done anything." he whispered, afraid to meet his father's eye.

"Then why are you interrupting me? You know I have important work to finish."

Tommy bit his lip. "I was hoping to talk to you..."

"Talk then." Phil said, finally placing his pen down.

"I've been having this dream..." Tommy began. "I keep hearing this song and I wondered if maybe you had heard it before?" 

"You're interrupting me for something that's not even real?" Phil glared at him, making Tommy shift uncomfortably. Suddenly Tommy knew this had not been a good idea.

"Well it's important to me-"

"That doesn't mean it matters!" Phil exclaimed, standing up. He moved towards Tommy with a disapproving look in his eyes. 

Tommy closed his eyes, trying to stop the tears from filling his eyes. "I thought it was Mother..."

Phil's eyes widened at his words. "Don't you ever speak of her again! You have no right to even think about her, you hear me?!" he shouted, causing the boy to flinch away. 


"Get out of here. Now."

Tommy raced out of the room without a second thought, not even trying to fight the tears as they fell down his face. Suddenly he didn't care anymore. He just knew he had to get away. 

He sprinted down the hallways, past his brothers who looked on with confusion, past the servants who looked on with pity, and out of the castle. He ran to the woods, not stopping until his knees gave out.

He couldn't do this anymore.

He just wasn't strong enough.


Hope you liked it!

Thank you for 498 reads!! :)

Hope you have an amazing day!


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