Chapter 10- Preparing For the Festival

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Tommy POV

Tommy spent his days going between his room and the library. Sam followed him around much like a lost puppy, always looking at Tommy with sympathy in his eyes. Tommy continued to search for the song, just wanting to know where it had come from.

He knew he had heart it before, but where?

The song continued to plague his dreams, never allowing the wonder to fade.

As the days passed the festival grew closer. But Tommy didn't stop. 

He didn't stop searching for the song.

Tommy sat at his desk, piles of books surrounding him. He hoped he could get out of practice. Maybe they would just forget about him like last time. Maybe they would just leave him alone.


The blonde looked, keeping one finger on the page. "What is it Sam?"

Sam sighed, not wanting to say it. "The princes request your presence."

Tommy bit his lip. "Is that you talking or them? Last time I checked, I'm nothing but an annoying little brother. So why would they want me around?"

Sam shook his head, standing tall. "It was from the king himself."

Tommy closed his eyes, wishing the floor would just swallow him up. He didn't want to go and feel all the sympathetic glances. He didn't want to see the annoyed glares. He just wanted to be loved. Was that too much to ask for?

"Do I have to go? Maybe you could just-"

"It's an order Tommy." Sam told him sternly, knowing he couldn't get the boy out of it.

Tommy stood up, not wanting to argue anymore. Quickly, he snapped the book shut before moving towards the door. Before entering the hallway, Tommy paused and looked at him. "I'm sorry Sam."

"No need to apologize Toms. It's understandable to be frustrated." Sam gave him a small smile.

Tommy smiled back and took a deep breath. Finally he deemed himself ready, stepping into the hallway and making his way to the music hall.

Only one instrument stood in the hall, the one instrument that Tommy understood. 

A grand piano.

It was lonely with a shiny coat of white paint. It stood like a daisy in a field of roses. Tommy stared at it for a moment, wondering if he even dared to touch it.

No one ever really played the instrument since their mother's death. She had been the one to tame it, playing it nearly every moment she could. Now it was just a shadow of her.

"You alright Tommy?" Sam questioned, looking at him with worry in his eyes.

"O-Of course." Tommy said, shaking off the feeling. It was just an instrument, nothing more, he reminded himself as he approached it.

"You're late." a voice echoed from the other side of the room.

There stood Techno and Wilbur, tuning their own instruments. Techno held a beautiful violin while Wilbur carried his light filled guitar.

"Figured you didn't want me here." Tommy muttered before sitting on the bench. He drifted his fingers along the keys, trying to get the right feeling from the instrument.

Wilbur and Techno walked towards him, smiling at him sadly. "Hey Toms." Techno greeted, getting a hum in response.

"I'm glad you're here Tommy." Wilbur commented, making Tommy look at him with doubt in his eyes.

"Really? Since when did you care?"


"Get practicing boys!" a shout came from the door as the music teacher entered the room. 

"Shall we?" Techno asked.

The two nodded as Wilbur sighed. He didn't want to wait.

Techno began, drifting his bow along the strings and creating a majestic sound. A few moments passed before Wilbur joined in, strumming his guitar. The anthem mixed between them and it wasn't long before it was Tommy's turn.

But he wasn't paying attention. Instead, his fingers were playing with the keys, trying to find the right notes. How did that song go?


The blonde snapped up, his eyes wide.

"You completely missed your entrance!" the music teacher raised an eyebrow. "Have you not been practicing?"

"I- uh-" Tommy stammered, trying to find the right excuse. "I'm just a little tired."


The music began again and this time Tommy did make his entrance, but he couldn't keep the beat. His anxiety rose, forcing his fingers to play quicker.

"Tommy!" the teacher sighed, glaring at him. "You're rushing! Can you not just play it right?"


"Just Techno and Wilbur." he instructed. The pair began to play, making every note perfect. It was almost as though Tommy's part didn't even exist. After cutting them off, the teacher looked towards Tommy. "Why can't you just be as good as your brothers?" he demanded.

"Just give me a chance-"

"It's clear that something else is on your mind! Why are you even here Prince Tommy?" the teacher rolled his eyes. "Or should I even call you that?"

Tommy looked down, swallowing down a sob. What did he do to deserve this? Wilbur and Techno met his eyes, both raging. Tommy shrunk back, thinking they were mad at him.

Without another thought he bolted from the room, slamming his door behind him. He began to cry, feeling the hot tears stream down his cheeks. "Why do they hate me?"

"Tommy?" a soft voice knocked before the door opened. Sam entered without waiting for permission.

Tommy looked up, wanting nothing more than a hug. But Tommy knew that wasn't Sam's job. He wasn't meant to be the father Tommy wanted. He wasn't even meant to be a friend. He was simply meant to be a punishment.

"I-I have to leave Sam." Tommy began, wiping his tears away. 

"You can't-"

"Please Sam- please." the blonde begged. "I'll be back by morning. I just have to go for a little while."


"Sam please!"

Sam looked at him for a moment. "I can't-"

Tommy closed his eyes. "I just need to see him. Then I'll be okay."

Sam bit his lip, feeling himself give in. He thought for a moment, knowing Tommy deserved some kind of happiness. "Okay- but-"

"Thank you Sam."

The smile Tommy gave was enough for Sam to feel like it was worth it.

Even if it cost him his job.


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Hope you have a wonderful day!


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