Chapter 11- He's Not Here, Is He?

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Tommy POV

Tommy raced through the forest, blinded by his tears. He ran as fast as he could towards Tubbo's house, wanting so desperately to get there.

As soon as the house came into view, he sprinted to the window. He began knocking loudly, hoping to get the boy's attention. The tears continued to pour and he was quick to wipe them away, but they kept coming.

A shadow moved towards him and the window opened. Confusion filled Tubbo's face as his eyes widened in surprise. "Tommy? Where have you been? What-"

Tommy threw his arms around the boy, nearly making him fall out the window. Tubbo instantly hugged back, still puzzled. The brunette held him tightly, deciding to ask questions later. 

Tommy needed him right now.


Wilbur POV

Wilbur's eyes turned to rage, but not against Tommy. He turned to the music teacher, set on defending his little brother. "How dare you talk to Tommy like that! Did you see him face? He's hurt!"

"Sometimes the truth hurts." the teacher shrugged. He hated Tommy nearly as much as the royal family did. After it had happened, it was hard not to hate him.

"I will speak to my father about-" the brunette began only to be cut off.

"You know he'll agree."

Wilbur was about to snap back when Techno stopped him, grabbing his arm. "Wil! We need to go check on Tommy. He's more important." he tried to reason with the younger. It was clear he hated the teacher as much as Wilbur did. But Tommy was more important right now.

Wilbur sighed, giving in and nodding. With one more glare, the pair raced out of the room and headed towards Tommy's room.

Sam stood outside the room, pacing. He seemed lost in thought. At the sound of footsteps, he looked up before looking away.

"Sam! We need to see Tommy!" Wilbur explained, moving towards the door. Instantly Sam intercepted, stepping in front of him and blocking the door.

"He's resting-g. He uh- requested no one disturb him." Sam told him.

Techno stood still, studying him.

"We're his brothers! You can't stop us!" Wilbur exclaimed, again trying to get to the door. Sam again stepped in front of him.

"The prince has gone through enough hurt today. Please leave him to rest."


"He's not here, is he?" Techno suddenly spoke, looking directly at Sam. His expression was unreadable. 

Wilbur snapped towards him in surprise. "What do you mean? Where else could he be?"

"He requested everyone to leave him alone." Sam repeated, sweat dripping down his forehead.

"When will he be back?" the pinkette continued, his eyes never leaving Sam.

"I don't understand." the knight swallowed, shifting from foot to foot. "He said-"

"Sam. When will he be back?" Techno raised an eyebrow. "Phil won't know, you can tell us."

Sam bit his lip, seemingly having an internal battle in his head. He looked at Techno, the guilt becoming more and more obvious as every second passed. Finally he sighed, "Morning."

Techno nodded, satisfied. Wilbur looked towards him, confused as ever.

"Then we'll come back in the morning." the pinkette paused. "We'll let him rest for now."


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