Chapter 18- The Queen Can Finally Rest

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Tommy POV

The festival came quickly. The three brothers practiced as much as they could, completely ignoring the song they were supposed to play. Instead they intended to play their mother's song.

Tommy looked forward to the festival. He hoped it would be the moment Phil realized his mistake.

"You ready Toms?" Wilbur asked, grabbing his guitar and slinging it over his back. 



"But what if it doesn't work? What if it just makes him angry?" Tommy sighed, allowing his worries to escape.

"We'll figure that out when we get there." Wilbur told him, knowing he didn't have an answer.

Tommy nodded. 

The two of them left the room, meeting up with Techno, who had his violin tucked under his shoulder.

"You guys ready?" he questioned.

The two nodded as they made their way over to the stage. Thousands of people spoke, creating a rush of sound on the other side of the curtain.

Tommy made his way over the piano, sitting down behind it. He took a deep breath, drifting his fingers across the keys. He could do this. For his mother. 

The curtains were pushed back, blinding the three of them in light. Tommy squinted, barely hearing what the announcer was saying. His eyes immediately landed on his father, who sat at the top of the audience.


Tommy glanced towards Wilbur, who nodded, instructing him to start.

Tommy bit his lip, suddenly nervous. He could do this. Just one key at a time. He began playing, softly yet flawlessly.

"Sweet blue eyes,

Looking for the light.

Don't stop searching,

Even in the night."

Whispers went through the crowd. They didn't seem to understand why Tommy was singing.

"I'll be there,

Don't you worry.

I'll keep you safe,

All through the night."

A figure stood up out of the corner of his eye. His father, the king, began walking towards the stage. Tommy continued playing, knowing this was his only chance.

"Soft blonde hair,

Waving in the wind.

Don't give up,

Even when you're defined."

The figure came closer and closer, suddenly entering the stage. The whispers disappeared as the king walked towards him.

"I'll be there,

Don't you worry.

I'll keep you safe,

All through the night.

Oh my Tommy.

Be strong,

No matter what."

Tommy hit the final note, allowing the silence to begin. Phil stood there, frozen like a deer in headlights.

"Kristen... That was-" A sob escaped his lips as he realized where the song had come from. 

Tommy stood up, rushing towards him. "Dad I-"

"Where did you learn it?" he asked, his eyes looking like they were going to break at any moment.

"I heard it in my dreams." Tommy swallowed. "It was Mom, she-"

"You saw her?" 

"I did." the blonde nodded. "She wants you to let go Dad. She wants you to move on."

"Move on?" he repeated, as though it were a foreign language.

Tommy smiled, "I miss you Dad. I miss you so much... I wish you didn't blame me. I wish we could be the family we once were."

Phil's eyes widened, guilt washing over his face. 

"Can we start over?" 

Suddenly Tommy was pulled into a hug. "I'm so sorry my son- I'm so sorry." he sobbed, holding Tommy close.

"I forgive you." Tommy whispered, hugging back. 

A sweet song drifted throughout the room, making everyone stop and listen. The song had been found, the queen could finally rest.


Hope you liked it!

I hate this ending, but it is what it is

Hope you have a wonderful day!

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Thank you for reading it!! :)


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