m i s s e d

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'let's go home, I'm tired',

I said to Mac after we wrapped up a mission briefing in the war room. Mac nodded his head and smiled at me; I went to walk away and out of the room but Mac grabbed my arm and pulled me back to him. I looked at him confused,

'Mac can we go home?',

I asked him extremely confused, Mac began to smile at me,

'not just yet',

Mac said to me, I grew more confused,

'you know how you were saying you never got to experience college or even high school graduation for that matter',

Mac said to me, I looked at him quite skeptical and nodded my head at him,

'I did in fact say that as it did in fact happen',

I said growing quite sceptical over what was about to happen, he smiled at me slightly,

'I don't know how you managed to miss both of your graduations',

Mac said to me beginning to look at me confused, I looked at him and nodded my head,

'Well I left for the army immediately after I finished my exams for high school so I missed my graduation ceremony and I was on a mission in Russia when my college graduation happened',

I said to him, he smiled at me before looking at me confused,

'you told me you'd never been to Russia',

Mac said to me, I slowly nodded my head at him,

'I did in fact tell you that and it was in fact false and I will explain why later because I feel as though this building up to something',

I said to him awkwardly smiling at him, he laughed slightly and nodded his head,

'well that is correct so I would have organised a little graduation ceremony for you including a massive party at mine so let's get going baby!'.

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