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'how are we looking y/n?',

Mac asked as he, Riley and Boze walked into a mansion for an op, I was sat in the surveillance van making sure they were all clear,

'well I mean you're looking quite hot but if you mean mission wise you guys are all good'.

I said not even thinking about what I had actually said, I heard Mac laugh slightly,

'that was disgustingly cute',

Bozer said over comms, i shook my head slightly,

'Riley and Bozer you have security headed your way; I'm turning your comms off so they don't pick up on the frequency',

I said before turning their comms off, Mac looked at one of the cameras knowing I was looking,

'now that we're alone anything you want to say to me',

Mac said to me, I laughed slightly,

'let's just say, keep the tie, I'm sure you could find other ways to use it',

I said to him, i saw him smiling,

'I already have a few in mind',

Mac said, I began to smile,

'did you two forget I am also tuned into comms?',

Matty asked, I ignored her,

'right okay uhm I am just going to turn Riles and Boze's comms back on'.

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