p a t i o

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'I'm just going to get some air, I'll be back in a second',

I said to the team as they sat around the kitchen talking and drinking, everyone smiled at me but Mac who looked at me concerned. I slowly made my way out onto the patio, I let out a deep breath before sitting down in front of the unlit fire pit,

'get it together y/n; we're literally just having drinks'

I said to myself as tears started to well in my eyes,

'I think you need to work on your pep talks',

I heard Mac say walking out on to the patio, I turned to face him with a slight smile on my face,

'there isn't much to be cheery about right now Mac',

I said to him, he looked at me somewhat confused. His facial expression slowly became more serious, he reached forward and grabbed my hand,

'do you want to tell me what is going on?',

Mac asked me. I slowly began to nod my head at him,

'Mac, I-I'm scared',

I stuttered out to him. He looked at me confused before,

'y/n what's going on?'.

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