b r e a t h e

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Bozer yelled as he saw me standing down at the end of the hallway, he quickly ran towards me and stood next to me,

'y/n what's wrong?',

Bozer asked me, I put my hand on to my chest, he looked at me confused,

'Bozer what's going on right now?!',

I heard Mac yell over comms, Bozer didn't respond as he looked me up and down,

'Bozer tell me!',

Mac yelled again, I drew in a deep breath,

'I can't breath',

I said extremely breathy and I let out the breath and immediately began to cough as it hurt. I bent over and put my hands on my knees, thinking that might allow my chest to open up more so it would become easier to breath

'Mac I don't know what's happening but y/n can't breathe',

Boze said, I slowly nodded my head at him. Boze put his hand on my back as we waited for Mac to respond,

'Boze what do you mean?!',

Mac asked quiet urgently, I tried to stop my eyes from rolling to the back of my head as I began to feel faint from the lack of oxygen. I slowly tried to lower myself on to the ground as the fall wouldn't be as bad if I was there,

'Mac she doesn't look good!',

Boze yelled, I stood up straight before grabbing Boze's shoulder trying to see if Boze could help me at all. I looked up and saw Mac running toward me,

'y/n! y/n!',

Mac yelled out to me, I shook my head at him unsure of what was happening. Mac quickly reached me, he put his hand on my chest slowly moving his hands down my ribs. I winced in pain as he reached a sore spot,

'what's going on Mac?',

Riley asked slightly panicked. Mac nodded his head slightly and reached into his pocket pulling out his pocket knife,

'she's got a punctured lung. there is blood filling her lung and it's happening quickly. I-I need to slice a hole in her lungs and filter it out',

Mac said, I nodded my head at him agreeing with his analysis. Mac lifted my shirt up holding the knife against my skin,

'I am sorry for everything you are about the feel'.

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