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'y/n can you open the door for me?',

I heard someone ask knocking on my bedroom door, I was a little confused as I quickly realised it was Mac. I slowly got up out of my bed and walked over to my door opening it so he could get in but I quickly made my way back over to my bed and climbed in,

'It's okay Riles',

Mac said to her before walking in my room and closing the door. Mac walked over to me and sat down on the edge of my bed, I looked at him,

'what are you doing here Mac?',

I asked him, he slowly approached me softly smiling,

'Riley called and said you have refused to leave your room since you came into phoenix and took personal leave a week ago',

Mac said to me, I rolled over not wanting to address it or even really talk to him,

'y/n what's going on?',

He asked me sternly sounding very concerned, I let out a somewhat shaky breath,

'nothing Mac, I'm fine I'm just sick that's all',

I said wanting him to drop the subject completely, he got off of the bed and walked around to the side I was facing. He almost immediately put his hand on my forehead and I looked at him confused,

'well you don't have a fever so do you wish to come up with a better lie?',

Mac said to me, I groaned slightly and shook my head at him. I removed his hand from my head and shook my head,

'I-i can't do it anymore Mac',

I stuttered out to him, he looked at me confused,

'what can't you do y/n? what's going on in your mind right now? you can tell me anything I'm here for you through it all'.

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