r e s t

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'I'll see you later Mac',

I said heading towards the lab, Mac looked at me confused before grabbing my hand and pulling me back towards him,

'uh-uh we have just got back from being on a very intense mission for 4 days',

Mac said pulling me so I was directly into front of me, I nodded my head at him,

'I do know that and so now I am going to go to the lab and continue to figure out what happened to all of our details and why they got leaked',

I said to him, he looked at me somewhat confused before shaking his head at me,

'y/n you need rest',

He said to me quite sternly, I let out a somewhat shaky breath,

'I can rest once I figured it out okay',

I said in response, he looked at me confused before there was a somewhat lightbulb moment,

'you aren't sleeping are you?',

Mac asked me, I shook my head at him ever so slightly,

'I need to go down to the lab and spend the night on my computer to figure everything out to distract myself from the fact that I haven't slept in what feels like a week',

I said to him, my lip slightly quivering as I became over come with emotion. He shook his head at me and without saying a word quickly wrapped his arms around me, tears quickly fell from my eyes,

'shh its okay'.

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