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'thanks for joining us blondie',

Webber said as someone walked into the war room, I looked at the team around me and realised that the person she called blondie was someone from my past but he hadn't looked up from the ground yet to see me,

'everyone this is CIA operative y/n y/l/n and we are going to be helping her out today',

Matty said which caused 'Blondie' to look up. He made eye contact with me,


He questioned, I looked at him and started to smile,


I said before walking over to him, he quickly gave me a hug,

'it's nice to see you y/n',

Mac said whispering in my ear giving me a quick kiss on the cheek. I smiled trying not to blush that he was even standing in front of me; I truly never thought I'd see him again,

'you too Mac',

I said to him as he slowly moved back away from me, I let out a shaky breath and saw the team looking at us confused,

'how do you two know each other?',

Matty asked me, I tried to get the tears that had welled in my eyes to disappear,

'uh we served together amongst other things',

Mac said with a slight chuckle. Another man in the room spoke up,

'wait this is that y/n?',

The man said, Mac nodded his head a smile on his face. The tears were still in my eyes but I tried to ignore them, Mac put his hand on my back,

'yes it is. Y/n this is Bozer',

Mac said. I smiled at him and walked towards Bozer, I gave him a hug,

'I heard so much about you while being partnered with Mac when deployed it's amazing to finally meet you; I need you to tell me all of his embarrassing stories',

I said pulling away and walking back over to where I was before. Boze nodded his head and smiled at me,

'Oh absolutely and I'm sure you have some stories about Mac as well',

He said to me, I nodded my head at him reminiscing on our history,

'okay it's great to see you guys catch up but y/n is here for a reason; do you want to fill everyone in?',

Matty asked me. I nodded my head at her wiping the smile off of my face, Mac joined the rest of his team,

'so I have been suspended from the CIA because I was catching on to corruption in the force; I was going to handle this myself but one of the people involved in the issue has threatened my uh',

I said stuttering over my words as realised Mac might be able to put the pieces together once I said the next word. Matty looked at me confused,

'my uh, he threatened my son',

I said avoiding Mac's eyes. I slowly looked up at him and saw the shocked expression on his face, I choose to keep moving,

'I am coming to you guys as the only people I trust as I don't know how deep the corruption runs and I need to protect myself and my son because that's all I have',

I said to them, they all nodded their heads apart from Mac who was frozen still. Matty began to walk,

'Riley and Boze, I want to run something by you guys in the lab about this mission; we will meet Mac and y/n down there in 10 minutes',

Matty said to everyone. Everyone left, Mac and I were left standing there alone, Mac quickly hit the windows so they were soundproof and nobody could see in the room. I slowly sat down on the couch knowing that it was about to be a somewhat difficult conversation,

'y/n you have a son?',

Mac asked me, I slowly began to nod my head at him. I let out a slight breath,

'I do; he's 3, his name is JJ',

I said to him. Mac began to nod his head at me I could see him trying to do the math in his head and I knew he had a few questions for me,

'ask away Mac, I can see your troubled expression right now',

I said to him. He slowly sat down next to me,

'y/n if he's three who is his dad? What does JJ stand for? where is he now?',

Mac asked me. I slowly nodded my head at him, I moved closer to him,

'Mac about three years ago, I got honourable discharged after an IED went off which you know; you automatically assumed I got discharged due to injuries I had at the time but I got discharged because I was pregnant; it's you Mac, you're his dad',

I explained to him, his jaw dropped he was in a state of shock. I slowly reached forward for his hands, he let me hold them,

'JJ stands for James Junior, named after your dad'.

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