b r e a k

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'y/n just talk to me',

Mac said to me as he saw me walk into phoenix, I shook my head at him and ignored him. I made my way to the briefing room,

'Matty please tell me you have a mission that only requires Riley and I to attend to',

I said to her smiling at her awkwardly, she looked at me unimpressed,

'no y/n; you and Mac are going on this one alone',

Matty said to me; I looked at her shocked and shook my head slightly,

'surely Riley can go instead of me?',

I asked her, I heard Mac let out a breath next to me,

'y/n whatever is going on I need you to put it aside because you are about to be sent on a mission so get it together',

Matty said as the Bozer walked into the war room meaning that everyone was finally here,

'okay now that Bozer is here let's start',

Matty said looking at us; I took a few steps backwards collapsing back onto the couch,

'at least look a little bit alive y/n',

Bozer said with a smile of his face trying to get me pumped, I sent a slight death stare his way,

'or not',

Bozer said, Matty bought stuff up onto the screen,

'okay y/n and Mac you two will be going undercover to this party; you will need to act as a couple and cause a distraction by arguing and then needs to become slightly violent so you will get detained by security',

Matty said, I smiled at her and nodded my head at her,

'there's not going to be an issue with that I'm sure I can argue with Angus',

I said to her avoiding Mac's eye contact, Mac huffed slightly,

'okay let's get ready and get going'.

*******at the party*******

'are you ready for this?',

Mac asked me, I nodded my head at him and smiled slight,

'so ready',

I said to him, he looked at me slightly confused and annoyed,

'you could at least not be so enthusiastic',

Mac said to me, I shrugged my shoulders slightly and made my way to the centre of the room and it's Mac following behind me,

'okay you guys go for it',

Riley said over comms, I turned to face Mac,

'why are you even here?!',

I yelled at him, he shook his head at me,

'because we both got invited to this and just because we aren't together doesn't mean I don't still love you',

Mac yelled, I looked at him slightly annoyed not knowing if this was apart of the act or not. We were starting to get everyone's attention,

'I don't know how you can say that when you slept with another women!',

I yelled, if he was going to get real so was I. He shook his head at me moving closer,

'We were on a break!',

Mac yelled, I saw security approaching us,

'we are going to need you two to come with us',

A man said before dragging us away, I avoided Mac's eye contact even when we were placed in a security cell. The security guards left us, Mac walked over to me and I finally looked up from the ground,

'you want to explain why that got so real?',

Mac asked, I let out a sigh and shook my head slightly before making eye contact with him. I realised that no matter what happened between us recently I still loved him. Mac raised his eyebrows at me waiting to speak,

'I needed to get it off my chest',

I said to him, Mac nodded his head at me, he went to speak but I quickly leaned into him and kissed him. I pulled away and Mac looked at me confused,

'you never cease to surprise me y/n'.

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