n i g e r i a

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'where's Mac?',

I asked walking into the war room with tears in my eyes, Jack avoided my eyes as did Riley,

'he left and went to Nigeria',

Bozer said to me, I looked at him shocked. I slowly made my way in to the war room and sat on the couch,

'I'm pregnant',

I said to everyone, they looked at me shocked,

'you have to tell him, he'll come back',

Jack said to me, I shock my head at him,

'no, he left for a reason; nobody tells him okay, what I just said stays in this room'.

************3 months later*********

'look who's back!',

I heard Boze yell in the war room, I let out a shaky breath walking the halls of phoenix. I looked in to the war room and saw everyone hugging him, I got ready to walk in when I heard him speak,

'where's y/n?',

I heard him ask looking around at the people in the room, I moved into the doorway,


I said quietly, he turned to face me with a smile on his face,

'hey uh how about we go and check that thing out',

Riley said somewhat awkwardly, everyone left the room. As Jack went to leave he gave me a thumbs up encouraging me,

'do you know why they are all walking around on eggshells around me?',

Mac asked, I let out a large breath not sure who's to tell him. I turned to the side and lifted my jumper up revealing my small pregnancy bump that had been growing ever since he left. I was 8 weeks pregnant when he left and am now 5 months, but he had no idea until this very moment. His jaw dropped, he slowly stumbled backwards and fell back on to the couch,

'you okay Mac?',

I asked him as he put his elbows on his knees. He looked up at me with his jaw slightly agape, shaking his head at me,

'uh I don't know what to say',

Mac said to me, I slowly nodded my head at him before walking over and sitting down next to him. He turned to face me looking down at my bump in shock and amazement,

'mac, give me your hand',

I said holding my hand out for his, he looked at me confused before obliging. I grabbed his hand and slowly moved it on to my bump, I moved it around until I felt a kick,

'is that?',

Mac asked me, I slowly began to nod my head at him,

'it's our son'.

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