e l e c t r i c

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'okay can you tell me what you're making so I at least have an idea if it's going to help or not?',

I said to Mac as he raced around the room looking for things to use, quickly he picked up an extension cord,

'uhh I'm making an electric whip hopefully',

Mac said, I looked at him slightly shocked,

'I really hope you don't expect me to be the one to use it because I am by no way means co-ordinated enough for that',

I said to him, he laughed slightly,

'uhhh I did not think about that, well I guess that means I'll be doing it',

Mac said looking at the electric whip. I moved back from him and the door way as we could hear a large amount of men heading our way,

'Mac they are coming so your plan better work!',

Riley yelled over comms, Mac looked at me unimpressed,

'it looks like he has it figured out. hopefully',

I said into comms, Mac looked at me somewhat disappointed in my lack of faith in him. The door opened up and Mac began to hit the men with the whip,

'oh get'em!',

Riley yelled as Mac was actually able to manage to whip fairly well. There was a man coming up on Mac's left and he didn't realise, I stepped forward and tackled the man. Mac turned around and whipped me thinking that I was the suspect, I yelped in excruciating pain. I fell to the ground as the whip hit my back,


Mac yelled as he quickly realised he had whipped me, I groaned as I felt as though about 10000 volts had been sent through my body; which essentially had but not that much. I looked up at him still shaking,

'y/n I am so sorry!'.

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