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The Monday morning after Silverstone was a morning meant for sleeping in, but Susie and I had finally been able to find a time for us to meet for breakfast and chat, which meant I was up early.

In the weekend's GP3 races, I had managed to get my biggest points of the season, finishing in P6 and P9. It was a bit crazy how a 'home race' really was an advantage, being able to sleep in my own bed every night of the weekend was a game-changer. The Toro Rosso team hadn't done as well, with two frustrating DNFs, and Max had seemed off after that dinner at Lewis's house. Sunday night he slept over at my place, which I thought was a good end to the weekend but I was still disappointed for him.

I got out of bed and got ready as quietly as possible, trying not to wake Max who deserved an extra few hours of sleep after the stressful weekend. I took a final glance at him still sleeping soundly before I left my room and silently slipped out of the apartment.

The cafe Susie had picked wasn't too difficult to find, in the past few months, I had gotten to know Milton Keynes better and better. As I approached I saw Susie sitting at a table outside and waved back as she smiled and waved to me.

"Becca, it's good to see you again!" Susie exclaimed. We hugged, though I was still a bit intimidated by her bubbly and optimistic energy.

"It's really good to see you too, Susie." I smiled warmly. "I'm so glad we were able to find a time that worked for both of us." I remarked as we sat down.

She nodded knowingly. "Mm, during the season it's near impossible! Everyone's racing in different series in different places on different schedules- that's why we have to take advantage of the chances we do get."

I hummed in agreement, and she continued. "So, how are you?"

"I'm good." I shrugged, but she gave me a knowing look.

"No, I mean how are you really? Moving across the world from your family, starting a new life, that can't be easy. How are you holding up?"

I furrowed my brow. "Honestly like you said, we're so busy. I hadn't really thought about it." I paused to actually give it some time. "I do think I am genuinely good, my racing has been pretty successful and I've made some wonderful friends." I smiled.

She nodded. "That's good to hear. I know a lot of girls trying to break into F1 really struggle with the social climate."

I chuckled. "You mean the overwhelming number of men?" She nodded with a laugh. "Honestly yes, it is a bit weird that 90% of my friends are guys now. But every woman I've met- there's a few at Toro Rosso, some at other teams, you- are all so eager to support me and root for me. It's like just being a woman in racing is a support system in itself. At least that's how I see it." I blushed when I noticed Susie squinting at me, a thoughtful look on her face.

"I'd never considered it like that, but you're right in a way. It's a nice way of thinking about it- like we're all in it together." She smiled.

I nodded, fiddling with the straw in my drink. "Yeah, it's reassuring."

We chatted through the meal, trading stories, and Susie offering me lots of valuable advice. As our conversation came to a lull, I knew there was one more question I wanted to ask her, but I wasn't sure how she'd take it.

"Susie?" I spoke up. "Can I maybe ask you a personal question?"

She raised an eyebrow. "Of course, what is it?"

I bit my lip. "What is it like being in a relationship with someone who works for a different team?"

She nodded knowingly. "That's a good question. It's difficult, because everyone assumes that you're using your relationship to cheat, even though they would never assume that of two people who are best friends, so that's a double standard. There's lots of paperwork, lots of gossips, but it's all doable." She paused, assessing me as I hummed along. "Can I ask you a personal question?" I nodded, and she continued. "Is this about Max?"

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