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So as most people reading this know, there haven't been any updates to this book in a couple months. The reason for that is because I have a LOT more written, but it's very spread out over the next 5+ years of Becca's life. I originally wanted to fill in a lot of the blanks that are missing, but I've realized that simply isn't going to happen.

So, I'm going to start posting these 'random' snippets of Becca's life in order— they still make a story, just without a lot of filler.

Also— Some of these snippets are shorter than 1750 words (my chapter minimum) so there may be multiple days/scenes/whatever in one chapter

Just make sure you pay attention to the dates and it should all make sense :)

And thank you all for sticking around and reading Becca's story!

Next chapter will be up tonight!

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