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The sun had set long ago, and the night was winding down but a few of us were by the bar still chatting and drinking. I was standing with Nyck and Cleo, not really listening as they flirted. Instead, my eyes wandered to Alex on the other end of the bar as I sipped on the cocktail in my hand. He looked stunning in the golden glow that came from the lights above us, a toothy grin on his face as he chatted with Charles and Lance. This whole day had been like I was seeing a different side of him. A side that I found unbearably hot. He caught me staring, and said something to Charles before striding over to me.

"You know it's not fair for you to make those kinds of eyes at me, it's driving me crazy." Alex murmured in my ear.

"Well, why don't you do something about it." I purred. He raised his eyebrows and said nothing, but I gulped down the nerves, grabbed his hand, and he followed me down the dark hall towards the rooms. As soon as we were out of eyesight from our friends he reached around my waist and pushed me against the wall, his lips now centimeters from mine. Our eyes locked as he held me against the wall. "Kiss me." I dared him, and he immediately responded, pressing his lips hard to mine. My hands draped over his shoulders, and he had one hand gripped around my waist while the other caressed my jaw. I snaked my leg up and around his back, pulling him towards me, and I felt him harden against my lower abdomen, the tingles flowing through my body.

"Bedroom?" He murmured and I nodded, grabbing his hand and leading him to the nearest room. He locked the door behind us and I gripped his unbuttoned overshirt, our lips connecting once again. His mouth moved to my jaw, pressing hot kisses to my skin.

"Do you want to go all the way?" He muttered as he put his forehead against mine.

"Yes. So bad." I breathed, pulling his shirt off his shoulders and then pressing my hands to his bare chest. He untied my bikini and threw it to the side before our lips met again, our tongues fighting for dominance. We fell back onto the bed without breaking the kiss.


I pulled the covers over us and laid my head down right next to Alex.

"Should we go back out? Do you think they're missing us?" I whispered.

"Mm, I think they know where we are." He gave me a sleepy grin.

I rolled my eyes at him and he wrapped his arms around me, pulling me close to his chest. We fell asleep like that, our limbs entangled.


I woke up the next morning still wrapped in Alex's embrace. I lightly traced small shapes on the sheets until he started to stir.

"Good morning sleepyhead." I murmured, and he groaned.

"Good morning."

"I'm hungry, shall we do the walk of shame?" I asked, and he hummed in agreement. We both got up, putting our clothes from last night back on. Alex didn't put his shirt on, so I put it on, unbuttoned over my bikini. He didn't say anything, just gave me a cheeky grin.

"Well hello there." Giada gave us a smirk as we walked into the galley. She was making smoothies, while Charles sat at the breakfast bar watching her.

"Sleep well?" He teased, and I playfully punched him in response, sitting down next to him. Alex made a beeline for the fridge.

"Don't even worry about it, almost everyone paired up at the end of the night anyways." Giada wiggled her eyebrows.

That made me perk up. "Oh yeah? Who?" Alex's interest peaked as well, and he sat down on the other side of Charles, crunching an apple he found in the fridge.

"Well, no couple drama, which is always good. Besides them there was Nyck and Cleo, Callum and Noelle-" Charles started naming them off.

"Max and that brunette one- Leila?" Giada frowned, trying to remember. "Oh, and Lance got with Manon."

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